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Viruses in NintendoDS-ROMs?!


New member
Hi @ all

I'm new here^^:blush:

Some time ago, i've heard something about viruses in nds roms....
they said that these viruses would erase the firmware of a DS if you put a rom onto a flash-ds-card...
well, i don't use such a card, but i can't believe that such a virus should ONLY cause problems on real hardware...:huh: so my question is:

is there some kind of ds-virus-scanner in the web?


New member
I've heard about that too, it turns your DS into a brick, however it's not a virus that infects the roms. I can't remember what it is at the moment.


New member
ok, so it isn't in the original game rom. I'm not surprised there is viscious coding in that program mentioned above :whistling
