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Video/Graphic Problems


New member
Whenever I load up a game, it loads everything, except the video/graphics... After it loads, I can hear the title songs, but I can't see anything. This probably has to do with my video card.


Rice's Daedalus 5.2 Video Plugin
Engine: OpenGL
Combiner: To Fit Your Video Card


Windows XP SP1
128 MB RAM
I don't know where to find info about the Video Card.

Hope you can help.


New member
Another thing. Yesterday, Draw Big Textures wasn't checked, and now it is, but its faded so I can't uncheck it. I'm trying to play Majora's Mask, which under Draw Big Textures, it says, Must be uncheck for Majora's mask or something like that. Anyway I can get it to uncheck, cause that may be part of the problem.
