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vbalink and golden sun/golden sun 2


can anyone tell me how to transfer golden sun clear data over to GS2? Bleh... im completely new at this.. though i already did rename the save files from sav to sa1 and sa2, and did all the other stuff.

edit: rofl,, nvm i got it... some douche gave me the wrong instructions on how to get that send button to work.. i had to hold left, R and then press B and let go. i was told to hold L... god damn! Anyways this topic is good for people who get confused... soo...

Make sure to rename your golden sun 1 and 2 save files from sav to sa1 or sa2 (doesn't matter which is which). and in the golden sun menu hold left, R and then press B and let go. a new selection "send" will appear. select it, make sure golden sun 2 is ready for file transferring. Now send your clear data saved file over. Good luck!
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