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unable to load gdrCHD.dll / plugin and where to place problems


New member
Hello. I have Demul 0.5.6. i changed the directory of the rom folder to a different place besides the default. I put the Demul_BIOS_Pack.zip on my desktop and then extracted all the contents to my desktop and put DC.zip in my roms folder. I have the DC.dat, awbios.zip, naomi and naomi2.zip on my desktop and dont know what to do with it. I put netplay.dll and anotherone in the plugin folder. i open the program and go to "File - Run DC" and it says unable to load gdrCHD.dll What am i doing wrong?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Make sure that gdrCHD.dll and other plugins can be found in Demul's plugin folder.


New member
I checked the plugins folder and the gdrCHD.dll is in it along with 10 others - gdrDemul.dll, gdrImage.dll, gpuDXLegacy.dll, gpuDXv3.dll, gpuOGLv3.dll, kailleraclient.dll, netDemul.dll, netPlay.dll, padDemul.dll, spuDemul.dll. before i got this message. and before i put the bios in the rom folder i got the message about the bios. then after i put the bios in the rom folder i got this message


New member
ok I got it all set up but now i dont know how to load the game. its looking for a chd file? I have the game disc and also a cdi file because i think my disc is to scratched. I also dont know what to do with the naomi folder with the bins in it. I have that one naomi2 mvsc2


New member
ok lol. cant believe i overlooked that ;). so i booted it and loaded sword of the berserk. I have the trio linker plus with the dreamcast controller with memory and rumble pack. it mapped all the buttons in config but the "d" pad. when i press start and the game plays i get a really bad lag and my analog wont move my player in any direction. and my cpu is maxed at 100% usage. am i having a compatibility issue? i can swing the sword and block . so everything works but analog ;)
