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UCON64 help needed


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I am trying to convert a snes rom to .swc but I get an error saying "cannot open NTUSER.dat"

Has anyone ever heard of this happening?


New member
IceFlow2 said:
I am trying to convert a snes rom to .swc but I get an error saying "cannot open NTUSER.dat"

Has anyone ever heard of this happening?

Apparently, a lot of people have heard of this happening. A simple Google search on "ntuser.dat ucon64" brought me to their FAQ page.

From ucon64 FAQ said:
Q47: I use Windows XP (NT/2000) and every time I run uCON64 I get this error message about ntuser.dat. What does it mean?
A: If you see lines in the display output of uCON64 that look like these:
Create: ntuser.idx
ERROR: Can't open "C:\Documents and Settings\Daniël\ntuser.dat" for reading
you should modify the configuration file so that ucon64_datdir points to another directory.
By default uCON64 will use the home directory as the directory where it searches for DAT files (the "DAT file directory"). uCON64 handles all files in the DAT file directory that have a name that ends with ".dat" as DAT files. ntuser.dat seems to be a standard file in a Windows XP user's home directory (and should not be removed), but it is not a DAT file for use with uCON64. See question 36 for more information on how to configure uCON64 so that it uses "real" DAT files. If you only want to get rid of that error message either make ucon64_datdir in the configuration file point to an existing directory that does not contain any files with a name that ends with ".dat" or make an environment variable with the name ucon64_datdir point to such a directory. Do not forget that the environment variable will not be set the next time you start a DOS session.

Please try to look things up yourself before posting for help.


New member
Please try to be a bit lesss rude when attempting to help someone.

I looked through their faq page but must have missed it , these things happen.


New member
IceFlow2 said:
Please try to be a bit lesss rude when attempting to help someone.

I looked through their faq page but must have missed it , these things happen.

Ehh, he wasn't being rude - actually he was being extremely nice by answering your question at all, considering it was that easy to find. A lot of people would have said "UTFG" or something to that nature :p

Now, wheres that geek protocal thread smiff posted?

Edit: Aha, here it is

IMHO that should be a required read in an intro to comp course!
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New member
That protocol is a load of shit. It tries to justify some intollerent geek's rudeness. These sofware developers surely know what theyre getting into when they make these free programs and will always have to put up with faq's when they create a forum dedicated to technical support. Simply ignore the question if you dont want to answer it.

I wonder if these geeks are as rude in real life away from the comfort zones of theyre computers? I think someone needs to make a etticate protocal about how to answer questions.

I need instructions on how to edit a cfg.dat file and where its located in regards to ucon64? The .dat file is not located in the ucon64 folder!

If you dont know, dont answer. That'll save everyone having to put up with some elitist venting theyre frustrations behind the net when in real life they wouldnt dare. Ucon64 is quite complicated and the faq isnt the best either so i'm surprised that you two are being like this.

BTW. Does anyone know of a better place for me to post about this kind of thing because AFAIK ucon64 doesent have a forum?
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New member
Yes, I am rude.

IceFlow2 said:
That protocol is a load of shit. It tries to justify some intollerent geek's rudeness. Simply ignore the question if you dont want to answer it.

I wonder if these geeks are as rude in real life away from the comfort zones of theyre computers?

First off, the answer to your cfg.dat question:

Ucon64 uses a plain-text configuration file, usually either ucon64.cfg or .ucon64rc. Use Windows Notepad or your favorite text editor to modify this file. Complete instructions are found in the product documentation (the FAQ). I have never encountered a cfg.dat file in ucon64 (which, by the way, I've used for a while with my Flash Advance Linker and to fiddle with my NES ROMs).

<b>Edit:</b> In my frustration, I failed to completely answer your question. Ucon64 places its configuration file in your home directory (or, in the case of Windows XP, your HOMEPATH variable). You can see where it is located by running "ucon64 -version" at the command prompt. They also have a mailing list you can get to by visiting their Sourceforge.net <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/ucon64/">project page</a>. <b>End Edit</b>

To answer your other question:

Yes, I am this rude in real life. I am root. I show no mercy to my users. If they ask a stupid question then they'll get a quick LART and an RTFM response. Even management gets that.

The protocol set forth by Eric S. Raymond is far from bullshit. It works. When people ask questions <b>after</b> having exhausted other resources available to them and showing that in their posts then we geeks tend to want to respond. Otherwise, we're just repeating what has been said oh so many times before. We hate repeating ourselves.

You say the protocol is "bullshit" because you're too lazy to read it and follow the guidelines. I know your type. You just want the quick answer. When I asked my first question on this board I was sure to Google search. I came up with some reasonable results, but they were not sufficiently conclusive.

Also, I did say "Please try..." and not "RTFM, luser!!!!". How is that rude? I asked you nicely to not waste our time. Would you like me to put it that way?

Search Google, search the newsgroups, read the documentation BEFORE WASTING OUR TIME!

Is that better?
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New member
God Damn I wouldnt like to know you in real life.
All you probably care about is yourself and your money.

What goes around comes around I just hope you know that because it sounds to me that you are a real prick to people.

Thanks for answering my question though but next time dont bother cos I'd rather not have to deal with the likes of you.

If you want to waste time thats your choice dont blame it on me. You chose to come to these forums and chose which questions to answer. Surely youve got better things to do so why not do them.

If you feel a question is a time waster dont answer it Its that simple buddy.

The best way to not come across as being rude is to not be rude then you wouldnt have to come up geek protocols trying to explain and justify.


New member
I am in no particular hurry to get this working.
If I am I will be sure to let you know by using words such as urgent and "need quick answer" as you put it. I wasn’t even expecting to get a reply to tell you the truth.

As I stated before I have read the FAQ (comes with the program) and I did a google search but I missed the part in the FAQ. These things DO happen. I even went on IRC and asked there and no-one had heard of that particular problem. (Surprise, Surprise)

I asked the question in a simple way so that I would get a simple answer not some lecture about using google first. That to me is just common sense and should be assumed at all times.

The way you guys a carrying on you’d think that these forums has heard this question 50,000 time when I bet that this is the first because I did use the emutalk search engine and nothing came up.

At the risk of sounding long winded and going into too much detail I plead to anyone else who finds time to read this please only answer if you have had this exact problem and fixed it.

Thank you
