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Toukon Road games


Beta Tester
Toukon road uses ucode crc 2e467bd5, currently unsupported
Toukon road 2 uses ucode crc aa977834, currently unsupported as well

Eventually someone will implement them


the old guy
rices shows everything -except the fighters in brave spirits. but that is as close as any plugin has come to emulating it.


New member
yes the vertices of the fighters seems to not be drawn

exactly the same with dark rift and space dynamites

should be the same unknown microcode or bug


New member
This is a very old thread, so if anyone objects to my bringing it up, then I apologize.

But, this topic is over a year old, and I was wondering if there is any plugin yet that supports the Toukon Road (Toukon Retsuden) games. The default PJ64 video plugin doesn't work, and it seems the Rice plugin still only supports as much as it did when this thread was made. But has any other plugin come around that supports it?


Here's something strange I'm seeing.

Using 1964 with Rice's video plugin (6.1.0c) and running Toukon Road 2 - Next Generation, I get some logos missing in the start and the logo and main menu flickers a bit. Again, we all know about the missing 3D models. Some of the menus are also a bit corrupted. Only white backgrounds on some menus like putting a name for the user profile.

But, if I use Mupen 64 Linux and use the Rice video plugin ported there (same version, I believe)... I get much more vibrant colours (less white on the flickers) and I see the Hudson and Yukes logo. Also the menus are displayed much better.

Just thought I'd throw that bit of info there... I'd really love to get this game to work. Is it from Mupen or the Linux port of Rice's code?
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