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Top 10 most disgusting super powers. What's yours?


Forget super powers like super speed, x-ray vision and flying. They're for SNAG's (Sensitive New Age Guy). How about super powers for the average male that are more practical in every day life but, well, are generally more socially unacceptable.

Here's my Top 10 most disgusting super powers. What's yours?

1. Eat unlimited supplies of pizza without
needing a dump.
2. Having sperm that tastes like chocolate milk.
3. Unlimited sperm.
4. Turning my poo into Easter eggs.
5. Ability to make any woman in the world, at any time, to make wild, passionate love with me then forgot about it.
6. Testicles the size of bean bags so I dont need a chair.
7. Unlimited supply of boogies so i can pick my nose all day.
8. Ability for my farts to smell like air freshner.
9.Turn my urine into Fosters Larger cos its the same thing.
10. Ability for my penis to talk cos its man's best friend.


Killer 7 Fan! :B!
Yeah you do ... and having unlimited sperm... what the fuck is that gonna help you with?
Maybe having a non-ejaculating but yes orgasm ability would be cool... but having infinite sperm? LOL! Masturbate yourself ... and you'll never end xD


This was designed as a fun thread and ppl reacted badly to it. They took it too eriously. I just wanna ppl to have fun. Boost morale in times of economic crisis. Get the ball rolling. Get ppl to respond. Make emutalk alive again or at least tott. My theory is global crisis=no money=no homes=no computers=no posts=emulalk dies. Prove me wrong ppl. Post like you never posted before. Even its crap like this. Silence can be deadly ya know! Boredom kills! :(


visit n64Redux.com!
LOL, nice powers you have :D
Yeah people take shit too serious nowadays, and now you're talking like Obama :O

Let the spamfest begin?
