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The RIAA Sucks

Do you pay for your music?

  • Yes, I pay for all my music

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • I only pay for some of it

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • RIAA, bite my shiny metal file-sharing ass

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


Emutalk Member
ok, we all know that, ignore the title, even though its a fact
honestly, how many of you pay for ALL your music. recently i cleared out all my MP3s, and bought legal copies of the songs i really listen to off iTunes, rest i had on CDs i bought, and ripped them out and now i'm a happy camper.


That Damn Good
I haven't bought an album in a while since I started downloading them, so I say the RIAA can bite my shiny file sharing ass.


New member
I did download an entire album once. That disc had long been out of print (and the used shops never had it) so I had little choice. Other than that one case, I've purchased all of my music. More than 300 CDs in my collection at this point.


New member
well first of all i live in europe, so the riaa can kiss my ass. second, i buy my music and the mainstream labels dont get a red dime of my money anyway so maybe thats a moral justification for being so bold and actually wanting cds with a cover and such shit instead of mp3s.
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New member
Yup same here, if I like it I buy it if not it gets deleted, which has had nasty consequences for my wallet.


Active member
I buy most of the stuff I download. Sometimes I'll download a few songs or an album and hate it - if it doesn't grow on me after 5 or so listens it'll be deleted. If it does, then I buy it ;)


aka Alshain
vampireuk said:
I download it, if I like it then I buy it. If I don't like it then I delete it.

Same here, until recently I didn't have the disk space to keep thousands of MP3's even if I wanted to.


Download (simply because they often hit the net earlier, or are live tracks), then usually buy 99.99%. Sometimes multiple copies even. I've probably if anything bought more albums and singles than I would've otherwise.


Emu64 Staff
Hey guys, I heard that I can illegaly download copyrighted materials off the Internet, Confirm/Deny?


vampireuk said:
I download it, if I like it then I buy it. If I don't like it then I delete it.

agreed, i do the same with games aswell

i'd always buy originals if the prices were cheaper


Emutalk Member
heh, the poll went like i thought it would. although, i probably should've voted for the second choice, as i go for the more appealing, buy it if i like it choice.


Emutalk Member
whoa, is allofmp3.com too good to be true? should i trust these russian guys or not? most of what i have read up says they are legal due to loopholes in russian laws, but i don't think i am comfortable giving them my CC #


Emutalk Member
whoo, 500 MB for 5 bucks, doesn't get any better than that, and u can request that they encode it in ANY F*ING FORMAT directly from the original CD, wow, thank god for russia's horrrible economy, hehe
