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The PCSX2 0.9 Coming Soon Video - Re-released!


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Remember this video? Decided to re-release this video as it was brought up recently, and it's been requested afew times by various people. This is not the original release, I re-encoded the PCM audio to LAME MP3, shaving 20MB off the file size, don't worry it's 320KBps audio :p

It's funny how things have changed, in 0.9 these games shown where running sub 20 FPS, since 0.9.1 many of these games run at over 20 FPS!

Well, it's alittle bit of PCSX2 history, so enjoy. Refraction and myself are planning another video for the future, keep your eyes peeled!

Original Credits said:
3D Graphics / Video Editing

Musical Score / Mental Support During Rendering
Refraction (BIFCO Records Ltd.)

Painfull-to-Record Video Clip Staff
ChaosCode (Devil May Cry 3)
CKemu (Capcom Fighting Jam, Capcom Vs SNK2, Final Fantasy X-2 / 12, MGS2 - Skate, Monster Hunter G, Rumble Roses, Virtua Fighter 4)
General Plot (Kingdom Hearts)
Nachbrenner (DDR Party Collection, Gran Turismo 4, GTC Africa, Second Sight)
Parotaku (Biohazard 4, Bloody Roar 3, Nightmare Before Christmas- Oogie's Revenge, R-type Final, Rez)
Refraction (Final Fantasy X, Makai Kingdom)
Rudy X (Frequency)

Laz0r Team
Gabest (Needs to fix LOTS)
Refraction (Scratching his balls, pondering pizza)
Saqib (Currently in the distant past fighting time distortions)
Shadow (Kidnapped by his girlfriend, tortured, perhaps dead)

In Memory Of
Linuzappz (Needs to pop by and say hi! - lazy sod)
