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The Most Anti-Tech Organizations in America


Active member
I'm glad my ISP isn't like AT&T/Comcast/Rogers, etc. If you're in their service area, I highly recommend Insight cable ;) (not a sales pitch, but they have decent service) I'm surprised the "US Government" wasn't on the list - encryption on personal files and emails is for terrorists!!! Speaking out against the current administration should not be allowed anonymously! etc (there are more examples, read the news!)


New member
This is sort of bumping, but its only a few days old...

I have to say, it was very interesting. I cant believe that Japan gets a 100mb/s internet connection for the equivalent of $10 per month while I am suck with a lousy 10mb/s.

My favorite was the RIAA/MPAA since I'm a pirate. They haven't been able to prove that piracy hurts the artists, which they supposedly try to protect. All piracy does, is hurt the middlemen (the record labels) who don't really do anything anyway. There is no way for them to stop piracy, or slow it down. I'm a proud pirate, and I will recruit as many pirates as I can. Take away their source of income (like CD sales) and they all of the sudden lose legal power. Educate the country about the music industry, and about what they are doing, and they can't win any lawsuits.


Sony battery
Arrrr! I like your style matey! :p :pirate:

But 10Mbps? You lucky dog! 3Mbps is the best we can get here, but the cable company charges way too much for that, so we're stuck with 1.5Mbps DSL. :(


Active member
Most of the US is too spread out to get fast connections to lots of consumers... Japan and the like have densely populated areas so it isn't unthinkable to update infrastructure periodically as there's far less area to cover (at least that's my theory)


Indeed the US has major population centers but a lot of the US is wilderness. Even in Old New York State you go more than 10 miles in any direction out of the population center. You see small communities pretty much.

As for the priacy thing, let's not discuse that. What is really interesting is these companies are lobbying to put people in the dark ages. They are people who benefit but do little work (well they work I think but it's not anything useful). They have lost there purpose and thus they have to constantly find reasons for there employment. It's the later that is causing other people to suffer. I hate to say this it reminds me of how union systems have killed many industrial complexs in the US. They are run by people who have to have a reason to exist. It's common for people who are seeking political position to be in charge of union.

Don't get me wrong unions have a reason but at the same time they have become unreasonable. The MPIA and RIAA are now in serious jepordy as many stations are no longer broadcasting anything new. This is because they jacked the rates for Copyright protection for playing music etc significantly. Those who try to be complient can no longer afford there rates. Thus new music is now less often heard on the radio and those whose copyrights are expired or are cheaper are heard. :D

I think both organizations have outlived there usefulness. They are an impedment to reality. (IE they are smoking dope still like a kid instead of growing up and facing reality that there business model no longer works.)



Sony battery
Your 2nd and 4th paragraphs reflect my opinion of the entertainment industry's status absolutely perfectly, Cyberman.
