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The Legend of Zelda: Gates of the Realm


Noticed this link when I was logging into hotmail the other day. What do you guys think of the name, even if it doesn't end up being the name of the game?


Master of the Emulation Flame
A lot rumuors can be given to this name, remember that the name always had an important part of the story... we will see!


Doesn't sound quite right to be for a Zelda game. Aside from the fact I'd be reminded of that Gates every time I saw it (and damned if Nintendo haven't thought of that), it just doesn't have any imagination to it. I read that and I was disappointed.

Besides aren't the Zelda subtitles generally given very late in the development? Ocarina was just plain 64 for a long time, Majora's Mask was Gaiden until very near release, the Not-The-True-Ura-Zelda became Master Quest (note to self - steal real Ura-Zelda 64DD this year...), and the same happened with Wind Waker.


*Breathes sigh of relief...*
We all know the next game will be The Legend of Zelda: The Pr0n of Destiny.

Maxim Dude

Shigeru Miyamoto either tried too hard or too little with that one...I'm just glad this one is in full 3D, not the fake Cel-Shaded crap we saw in Wind Waker (Nice enough game, but the cartoony-ness of it made me want to hurl)
