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The Dream you wish you hadn't had


New member
Sometime in your life, you've most likely had a dream that was genuinely sick -- one that makes you wish you never existed and thus should be confined to forums such as this one. So, post away. Here's one of my own, one that I most vividly remember, assuming that I can get all that far describing it.

It was one of those Final Fantasy dreams, the kind that you have after you've been playing Final Fantasy games for a tad too long. It was somewhere, probably in Daryl's Tomb... Anyway, there was a bed in there for some reason. And on it, two of my favorite Final Fantasy characters, Mog and Celes, were...

Oh, never mind...


evil *******
I think you're alone on this one protoman, so, maybe you should wipe yourself from existence?


New member
Shit. On most forums to which I posted this, at least one bastard says UM DATZ SO K3WL TELL US MORE within an hour.


Eeeeek !? Omg , that's kinda sick !

I've sometimes play whole nights in a row one and the same game , but it didn't ever affect any of my dreams !

Anyway , a little mog and celes ? WTF , how i have to imagine THIS one ? Full-body fisting ? eeeek... I should stop thinking 'bout it...


If I recall correctly, my cousin and myself actually *both* dreamed the solution to the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time after an 18 hour session back when it was first released. Now that was both creepy and useful.


aka Alshain
Funny, I don't ever remember my dreams when I wake up. Even nightmares, I wake up in a sweat and can't remember what I was dreaming or why I woke up.


I'm just glad that I do. I mean, hiding the passageway UNDER that platform... that was just evil genius. Never would've thought of that aside from the dream.


New member
-Shadow- said:
Eeeeek !? Omg , that's kinda sick !

I've sometimes play whole nights in a row one and the same game , but it didn't ever affect any of my dreams !

Anyway , a little mog and celes ? WTF , how i have to imagine THIS one ? Full-body fisting ? eeeek... I should stop thinking 'bout it...

No, Mog was full-size. Now if you don't mind, I'd rather not elaborate on it.


Dolphin Lover
If i play Warcraft 3 to long, i see Orcs and Humans in my Dreams runnig around and say "yes sir" "on my way" "ur order"

Hope i dont speak in my Dreams because if i do my Girlfriend must think im crazy *g*


At your service, dood!
I tend to dream about women... and about falling off skyscrapers (or both ;)), even though there isn't any in scotland I know of! damn skyscrapers!


evil *******
ScottJC said:
Well emutalk isn't full of total fuckwads, well not as many anyway ;)
yet if I were allowed to, I'd ban 99% of et members... retard saturation has only one solution:p
