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the best plugins

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New member
Ok guys, are there plugins for the project64 v.1.6 that are "perfect", runs on every game smootly, without any graphical glitches?

now I'm using :

graphical : glN64 4.1
sound : Azimer HLE audio v 0.56 WIP 2

those things work nice, but:

in the world is not enough I can't see my arm+ weapon unless i constantly look around, then sometimes You see an arm and suddently dissapaers again?! How to fix?

In some games the sound seems to "repeats hisself" 2 times?!

And other minor glitches like in supercrosser2000, that I can't even see the mud :(

anyway, great program, I'm having a lot of fun with it but right now I want to increase that fun:matrix:

thanks for reading this and please reply,



Plugin Hacker
Ok guys, are there plugins for the project64 v.1.6 that are "perfect", runs on every game smootly, without any graphical glitches?

Simple answer: No.

You'll have to try different ones and see what works well with different games and different hardware. The default Jabo's Direct3D that comes with Project64 works great for most of the games I play, but it doesn't have all the nice framebuffer effects. Glide64 with the Hacktaurux wrapper does (and runs games like Perfect Dark quite well), but it isn't stable in many games. Direct64 runs Mario64 flawlessly if your video card supports it, but many other games don't work at all. Rice's Daedalus has support for high-res custom texture packs and is quite fast, but on my system it has too many graphical glitches for my taste.

Sorry, but you'll have to try them out yourself, and it's likely that different plugins will work better for different games. Some games will have glitches on almost all graphical plugins (Paper Mario and its flickering, for example.) That's the answer.


New member
system specs are low:

256 mb ram
2,6 ghz
geforce 4 mx 440

but I run everything with a contantly 59-60 FPS, so that won't be a prob?

ps : fairly odd parents pwnt :'-)


Active member
With an MX 440, glN64() is quite good, but you might also want to try Rice's Video and Jabo's D3D6 1.5.2.


Glide64 is the most compatible plugin out there. But I urge you to look at bighead's N64 list, since it contains many configurations for many games.


New member
rabbiddeity is right. Issues like that do not occur because of your PC specifications, but because of your graphics plugin or emulator.

The best plugin is a nice discussion, but I'll get to that later. For now, like Doomulation said, use BigHeads config list!

Nintendo 64 Emulation Configuration List Online

A table of the best emulators and plugins for each and every dumped N64 game.

But there is no such thing as a flawless gfx plugin. They all do things that others don't.

The best audio plugin, IMO, is Nemu64s audio plugin. The emulator, itself, is bad, but it is the only other audio plugin apart from Jabos DirectSound that lets you Record WAV sounds, Sync Game to Audio, control prebuffering, and is full of advanced options. Jabos DirectSound is usually the audio plugin you almost always want to use, half of the time. The other half of the time, you want to use one of Azimers latest audio plugins, as they have better sound emulation than Jabos DirectSound, once you subtract the Sync Game to Audio option in that plugin, which screws some games up like TWINE.

The best input plugin. Pretty goddamn easy: N-Rage"s DirectInput. In order, the best input plugins:
  • N-Rage"s DirectInput 8 V2 1.82a (lets you export A64 mempak notes and use control modifiers, transfer pak usage, format mempaks and insert A64 note files, use N64 DexDrive MemPak saves, and such a big configuration plugin and so much more)
  • N64 Virtual Pad (well, better than Jabo"s DirectInput, thats for damn sure.)
  • Jabo"s DirectInput (One of Project64"s not-so-good default plugins, comparatively. Piece of crap won't even let you assign the same key to multiple controller buttons, which I need to do sometimes.)
As for the best graphics plugin, in general, that decision can be made. I'd have to say Rice"s Video Plugin v6.1.1 beta 10. Jabo"s Direct3D 8 and Glide64 are its top competitiors. Rice"s Video Plugin has, like, 50 configuration options in the Advanced Game Options tab, whereas Glide64 has roughly near that much and Jabo"s has only 15 or so config options. Rice"s Video Plugin has a bad screenshot log for its crappy JPEG compression and goes straight to the emulator when you log a screenshot, but seems to be such a goddamn advanced plugin. Lets you dump textures to native N64 resolution, all that configuration guess work for me to do for my choice of optimal INI configuration, seems to process graphics less "artificially" than Jabo"s Direct3D 8, which forces Accurate Texture Mapping and therefore gives a hardly noticeable 'fake' look to a few graphics in some games. Rice"s Video Plugin"s biggest weakness is the fact that it may emulate better than both Glide64 and Jabo"s for some games, but only once its configured, and there"s a lot of configuring to still be done for perfection in that INI file. Once configured, the plugin is very great in emulation. IMO, Rice has not done a perfect job of configuing the INI for the plugin. I have many disagreements.

Jabo"s Direct3D 8 and 6 are pretty damn good, as well. Jabo"s Direct3D 6 is a previous form of Direct3D 8 that should only be used for emulating some games, like Yoshi"s Story. Glide64 is powerful with the Mupen64 emulator, as it is then known for its unique ability to add support for coronas and, as already mentioned above, is impressively quick with framebuffer emulation. This is, perhaps, the top OpenGL emulation plugin out there.


The Great Gunblade Wielder
your main problem running a mx400 will be missing and black textures, scenery, terrain, etc, with the Dx8 plugin, the Dx6 plugin won't have these issues.

the easiest plugin to use is the Jabo plugins as the Rice video and GLN64 plugins are usually more complicated


New member
your main problem running a mx400 will be missing and black textures, scenery, terrain, etc, with the Dx8 plugin, the Dx6 plugin won't have these issues.

the easiest plugin to use is the Jabo plugins as the Rice video and GLN64 plugins are usually more complicated
That"s what makes them so much better at emulating some games. It"s important to have one graphics plugin thats very simplistic and does a generally good job (Jabos), one plugin that emulates in a special way and fixes unique issues unlike some other plugins (Glide64), and one very complicated and hard to configure graphics plugin to fix advanced issues (Rice). These three plugins, in combination, have served well to the Nintendo 64 emulation ability, and should be used together.

Being complicated is not a bad thing. Beginner users should never mess with the configuration of a graphics plugin. Advanced users should be able to handle that stuff, and Rice"s video plugin"s area of complication is hidden. This is not necessarily a weakness of these two good plugins.

Also, the easiest graphics plugin to use...is not always the best. Of course, Project64 and Jabo"s Direct3D is recommended for beginner users, so the current status of the ability to emulate N64 games is very progressive with the best of these known emulators and plugins used together for 'teamwork' to emulate N64 games.


New member

but i really find Jabo's plugins play everything with little problems.
That"s not true. There are very many games that prever a graphics plugin other than Jabo"s Direct3D. One of these is Bomberman 64. Jabo"s Direct3D 8 will emulate the game relatively well, but with persisting issues. Glide64, however, supports quick framebuffer emulation, depth buffer rendering, and motion blur to fix half of those issues that Jabo"s Direct3D cannot, which is still a lot.

And Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine? At least Rice"s Video Plugin can make an attempt to show the intro of the game as well as Rogue Squadron; Jabo"s Direct3D can't even load the graphics for games like those.

I can think of many other games that Jabo"s screws up on that the other plugins don't, even without using BigHead"s config list, because I know those games. One quarter of the time, Jabo"s Direct3D 8 emulates the graphics the best. The other two quarters, you have to use Glide64 or Rice"s Video to get better graphics in some games. The remaining quarter, you can use any graphics plugin you want for good emulation or you use some other graphics plugin I don't have very much to say about like Direct64 and glN64. glN64 is good, but BigHeads list only mentions two games that require its use above all other plugins. It isn't very necessary to have compared to others.

As for Jabo"s other plugins, DirectInput sucks ass. I'll leave it at that. I delete that thing as soon as I reinstall Project64. Even gives me a hard time configuring. And for DirectSound, that is the best third-party audio plugin, third-party, anyway. It has a slight edge over Azimer"s latest audio plugins: The ability to log WAV sound files from an N64 game. Both plugins can sync the game to audio, but when neither plugin is using the Sync Game to Audio option, Azimer"s HLE Audio v0.56 WIP 2 sound better than Jabo"s DirectSound, with very minimal crackling. Sometimes, for games like TWINE and Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness that I've played, when the Sync Game to Audio option screws up the game"s compatibility, you will prefer to use Azimer"s latest audio plugin instead.

But for the classical N64 games such as Mario and Zelda, you are right. Jabo"s Direct3D emulates with few issues. However, it very rarely emulates with NO issues. Almost every N64 game, even Super Mario 64, has some kind of graphics issue no matter what plugin you use. Although, Super Mario 64 would not count upon this list since Direct64 fixes what is known is the 'missing dissolve effect' in this game (when Mario is wearing the Invisibility cap).

A note to the Project64 team as well: In the GameFAQ, it says to use a third-party plugin to fix the missing dissolve effect in Super Mario 64. It forgot to mention two things:
  • That Direct64 is currently the only gfx plugin to support the feature. Not mentioning the plugin used to fix the issue leaves an inconvinient plugin search for the user.
  • That the "PC noise at resolution" option should be checked in the Direct64 configuration to entirely fix the dissolve effect. I know the PJ64 team doesn't usually support information on other plugins, but that"s stupid, because then the user will never know how to properly use this plugin to fix the problem.
Done ranting.:blink:


Information that does not concern official plugins is likely to get outdated quickly, as well. Another reason not to include such information. A good way, I think, would be to state, in the gamefaq, of course, that bighead's list could be examined to get good configurations for each plugin.


New member
I know it could be outdated in the future, which is why I used the word 'currently' when speaking for the GameFAQ. But, yeah, BigHead"s work is very huge and should at least be mentioned in the Project64 UserManual or something. Obviously, Project64 does not support emulation issues when not using Jabo"s default plugins and does not cover third-party plugin details in the user manual or gamefaq, but still, if they don't throw in the word "Direct64" in Super Mario 64"s GameFAQ, how the hell is anyone going to know how to fix the missing dissolve effect? Sure they could just go through all the plugins, but in the future, that could be a lot of work, especially compared to just mentioning it in the GameFAQ. But, if the Project64 is really that strict about it, let it be that way.
I think Glide64 does this as well.
Really? Oh, I didn't know that. How do you fix it?

Although, no point in telling me. Glide64 ****es me off. I always get a black screen, no matter what emulator, when I start a game. When I click to open a menu in Project64, the game graphics flicker on for a tenth of a second. My system is annoying. Although, this is with Bomberman 64 and Super Mario 64, so Glide64 will show me the graphics for all other games I've played up until now. But what is it with this damn thing you all call a PC...and when Glide64 does work, if I check Depth Buffer Render or any suggested options in BigHead"s configuration list, my emulator crashes. On this machine, Glide64 is crap. On everyone else"s, it"s glorious.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Really? Oh, I didn't know that. How do you fix it?
You need the latest hactarux's wrapper and Glide64. By latest I mean the latest builds from mudlord and Gonetz.

Chekc this, the latter pages especially with builds not posted at the first page: Hacktarux wrapper with hardware frame buffer emulation. Files and feedback - Emu X Haven.

Also, mudlord posted a few updates to the wrapper somewhere on EmuTalk (http://www.emutalk.net/1964/38483-best-plugin-perfect-dark.html#post361637).
Last edited:


New member
Been about 4 years sinse I've been to the forum , the new project 64 build ? just happens to be on my 2gig flash drive , I'm completely taken with it.

The Jabos Direct3D8 is the video plugin I'm using
it's working well on both old ATI M200 and Nvidia Geforce 6800 ultra oc

I completely support the Jabos Direct3D8 video plugin
it seems to have the perfect set of features.

I wanted to mention it does very well "default setting" on "zelda oot mq"
; fog and coronas on tourches look correct.

no alpha blending in that game because it takes away the fog effect.


New member
Been about 4 years sinse I've been to the forum , the new project 64 build ? just happens to be on my 2gig flash drive , I'm completely taken with it.

The Jabos Direct3D8 is the video plugin I'm using
it's working well on both old ATI M200 and Nvidia Geforce 6800 ultra oc

I completely support the Jabos Direct3D8 video plugin
it seems to have the perfect set of features.

I wanted to mention it does very well "default setting" on "zelda oot mq"
; fog and coronas on tourches look correct.

no alpha blending in that game because it takes away the fog effect.
There is a forum for (legitimate) beta users. Post your comments there please.
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