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aka Alshain
Hexidecimal said:
Now if only theyd bring back the greatest show ever... FUTURAMA.

Yah I love Futurama, CN just got the rights to Season 5 and they are being aired now. In addition the previously un-aired episode of Family Guy, "When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" was recently aired with just one modification to one of the songs. The only way to see it in its truest form is still to buy the DVD of course.


New member
family guy was always coming back one way or another, seth had plans to create a direct to dvd feature but im sure he would be quite happy if fox admitted they fucked up and ordered some new eps.

either way fg will live again along with seths new show featuring a housebound drunk alien and a french speaking goldfish. should be pretty good :D

futurama is another classic show which has has every episode aired on fox. and for future reference, there is no season 5. there are 4 seasons which were all split up due to fox's great scheduling.

if you wanna see either show, grab the dvds as they are well worth it :)
