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Super Mario Sunshine

magic carpet

New member
Anybody is interested in the future possible emulation of the gamecube killer application?
It seems nobody is awaiting for a perfect emulation...I did not find a post about this game...
I remember when HLE was relasead, the scope was to make mario64 perfectly playable; now we have crazy taxi, ikaruga but how cares them...
WE WANT Mario!! ;)
Anyway, will the next release of Dolphin improve Super Mario Sunshine emulation, making it really playable?

A big thanks to developers for this dream becoming reality..!!!


New member
magic carpet said:
Anybody is interested in the future possible emulation of the gamecube killer application?
It seems nobody is awaiting for a perfect emulation...I did not find a post about this game...
I remember when HLE was relasead, the scope was to make mario64 perfectly playable; now we have crazy taxi, ikaruga but how cares them...
WE WANT Mario!! ;)
Anyway, will the next release of Dolphin improve Super Mario Sunshine emulation, making it really playable?

A big thanks to developers for this dream becoming reality..!!!

Nobody here can tell you whether or not it will be improved... the details on the next release aren't clear. However, judging from the screens that have been shown from the development version, it looks like luigi's mansion works well.


Yeah! I mean, seriously, 5 fps is a WHOLE lot better than 1, I mean, imagine it being just 1, or even less, taking a whole second for a change, and then imagine 5, 5 times faster than just 1, you can ACTUALLY play it, where as, say you play through a game for 1 hour, it would take 5 hours for you to get back to that exact same spot.


...Or about 10 times faster if it ran fullspeed; and even faster yet. In fact, I think it's 12 times on NTSC machines. I see irony here. No games are playable yet, speed is too low. But incredible first release, however.
