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stupid question


New member
i know this is a stupid question and i should be able to sort this out for myself, but what is the standard keyboard layout in controlls, because it only tells you about a,b ad controll stick, what are the c z and shoulder buttons? thanks


That Damn Good
It would be easier to buy a control adapter. You can go for the adaptoid for $30 or you can get the n64/psx usb for $7


Leap of Faith
Mystic Gohan said:
..... n64/psx usb for $7

Might I ask where? I'd like to try my N64 joysticks using USB, but the cheapest I have seen is $15 which seems to much to me. $7 is worth a shot though.


That Damn Good
You can get at the link below.


I was suprised to see it so cheap also since I bought two of them for $15.


The Great One
if you are cheap like myself, N-rages willl work, but i have problems with N-rages, so I use Jabo's Direct input7 V1.5, which gives good enough performance.

Adaptoids are best if you want the real thing, but I prefer this
