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Stunt Racer FX problem


New member

My PJ64 needs a plug-in for Stunt Racer FX. But i don't know which one. I tried a few but that doesn't seems to work.

Anybody any ideas?

The error is as follows:
Microcode CRC: 0x6a76f8dd
Microcode Data CRC: 0x00000000
Microcode Text: Not Found

Please help.



New member
Shrimpz said:
dude....., are you smoking crack?
"stunt race fx" is a super nintendo game.....
try again.....

Shrimpz, you know what he meant (hopefully) if not, then I'll exaplain - he meant Stunt Racer 64.

Anyways to answer the question, no plugin works with this game yet I'm afraid.


New member
Trotterwatch said:
Shrimpz, you know what he meant (hopefully) if not, then I'll exaplain - he meant Stunt Racer 64.

Anyways to answer the question, no plugin works with this game yet I'm afraid.

hmm well no emulator support it i think ....
