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Street Fighter Alpha 3


New member
I'm running SFA3 on Chankast v.25. And as you know, it has horrible graphic problems.

But I heard it runs better on older Chankast versions. Can you try the game out on all the versions and tell me which one's the best to play SFA3 on?

I'd tell you my system requirements, but I'm using a library computer. My computer can run MVC2, so I'm sure it can run SFA3.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Or you could just get the arcade version with perfect graphics and sound.

If you really want to play this on Chankast, download the earlier versions from http://www.chanka.org and try them yourself, since you already have the image; you don't really need us to test them for you.


New member
I tried Chankast .2a, but I couldn't get past the set time screen :p. Then I tried merging it with .25, and it got even worse!

Fine, I'll just play the PlayStation version. That will keep me satisfied until some decent people decide to finish up Chankast.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
SpiDoL said:
Fine, I'll just play the PlayStation version. That will keep me satisfied until some decent people decide to finish up Chankast.
Excellent choice.
