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Star Wars Episode 1 - Racer problem


New member
My problem with this game is that various textures just disappear when the camera is to close to them.
However the game is still playable but looks a little ugly in certain situations, e.g. I can't see the podracer when it's not at a higher speed.
There just seem to be some kind of "barrier" over the screen behind which some textures can't be displayed.

Can anyone help?


New member
It's not a bug, rather a limitation of D3D as I understand it. You'll notice a similar problem with Extreme-G and its sequal. Read the Troubleshooting/Graphics section of the user manual.

Impreza WRX

New member
It's not a limitation of D3D, Jabo's plugin sets the vertex clipper further back via an option in the Advanced Settings, which fixes this issue. Using the default Vertex Clipping depth is the problem.
