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Split the Texture Replacement from 1964


Master of the Emulation Flame
I don't know why the Texture replacement should be a subforum of 1964.
There are still a lot of posts in the active texture mod threads and a lot people/members are interested in this stuff, but you have to search for the texture mods (if you don't know ET or just have registered)
The second reason why it should have it own mainforum is:
I saw a lot of n00bs asking whether the texture extraction and replacement is working with other emulators then 1964. If it is just under general N64 emulation these questions should (okay, probably not, you know our great "I have registered to ask..."-guys) be grow less...


New member
Has this been overlooked? The texture forum is hardly specific to 1964. In fact, Jabo's video is going to support retexturing in the next public release.


Active member
It's probably there since it started as a Rice-only feature, but eventually retexturing will be available with other plugins (Direct64, new Jabos).

It could be moved to General Emulation Discussion, or made into a subforum of N64 Emulation.


Master of the Emulation Flame
Clements said:
It's probably there since it started as a Rice-only feature, but eventually retexturing will be available with other plugins (Direct64, new Jabos).

It could be moved to General Emulation Discussion, or made into a subforum of N64 Emulation.
Yeah, please move it into general n64 emulation, because a lot of noobs are still asking if the texture replacement works with PJ64 and others, too!
