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Sound crackling/popping with default audio plugin


Pretends to make sense
Get an RSP plugin. There are two that I know of. One comes from Project64 and one comes from Mupen64. Take your pick. I personally like the mupen64 one. Then, you can use the plugin in conjunction with an Azimer audo plugin, and get good quality sound.


New member
I didn't get it to work. I found 2 RSP plugins (hacktarux hle for example) and the audio still cracks. The Mupen64 is not being displayed as an available RSP.


New member
I've tried every single imaginable sound plugin. The games run at full speed and I never had any other problems with my soundcard.

I think it may be an emulator setting of some kind. Doesn't anyone know what it could be?

btw, in OpenGL, the cracking disappears, but using that sucks all available resources away from my PC and causes the program to eventually crash. Quitting a game with OpenGL takes almost a minute to complete.


Wow, I think 1964 hates me. Just now I tried using it and crashed. But, yeah, I've had that sound crackling problem on some games regardless of any plugin-switching/configuration I make. BTW, don't even think about using Jabo's Sound Plugin. Trust me. It won't sound very good on 1964 (despite the fact that it's supposed to be superior).


Okay, that got the sound to work in a sense, but regardless of enabling synch-game-to-audio or not, the sound plays too fast. Enabling/disabling 1964's speed-limiter doesn't help either, but the weird thing is I get 60VI/s and 60fps (not the actual in-game FPS, as this is the normal full-speed). I use nVidia Sound Storm 5.1 for audio. This problem doesn't happen with PJ64 1.6 FYI.

EDIT 5/28/05 3:29 GMT -7: Hmm. Well some games' sound seems to work fine,
but as I mentioned earlier, a vast majority either have horrible crackling, or don't have any sound at all. This really should be investigated by some (or all) of the administrators who might use this plugin with 1964.
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