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Sony, you have messed up

Lord Darkstorm

Great sage, equal of heaven
Take a gander at this:


Basically, it seems that we in europe will be getting the console with worse psx/2 emulation (due to now NOT having a ps2 chip inside)then the us/japan model, and even though they will make cost savings due to this, sony are still going to charge the same price(£425 in the uk at least). And the way sony word it, it's actually good news for us. I feel thrilled.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
One of the main reasons that I bought the PS2 was backwards compatibility. Same with the PS3, so I would be able to lay my choking, old PS2 to rest.

Looks like I'll have to hold on to my PS2. Europeans have always get the shaft in more ways that one when it comes to video games, but this has got to be one of the new lows. Is it really that difficult to give Europeans the same stuff Japan and the US gets, and on time too?
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That's not good indeed. And that's bad for Sony themselves. If the EU PS3 had good backward compatibility, people would buy games for PS2 too (specially considering it's price).
