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Some members are having trouble accessing Emutalk.


New member
According to posters at Emuforums aka Ngemu, they are having trouble accessing Emutalk and can not access it. We have been trying to help them out the best we can with any possible solutions.

I ask that this issue may be looked in to to see if its a server side problem or an issue with their ISP. I have suggested for them to try to connect via a proxy to see if that would solve their issue for now until it is resolved.

So far the list of affected users as stated by their User names at Ngemu are:



Allnatural (He's a moderator here at Emutalk)

P.S. sorry for posting this here as I was unsure of were to post this since I didn't see a section for website related issues or feedback. ;)
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Do you know what network they connect to the internet through?
someone else was having issues as well.



New member
Do you know what network they connect to the internet through?
someone else was having issues as well.


Just asked that question as soon as I saw your post in this thread, waiting for some replies now to post back in this thread.

Apparently they are able to access the website by connecting via proxy, but that should only be used as a temporary solution for now.


Plugin coder / Betatester
Mudlord: could you post from which country you are and which ISP you're using?

Perhaps we should make a list and see if more people from that specific ISP are having troubles.


New member
So, any word on what the problem was? Glad it's fixed now so you all could access Emutalk without needing to use a proxy. :)


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
I had an EmuTalk blackout that last over two weeks. Things returned to normal last night.

My own investigation hinted that the problem was ISP-related, as my friends who had different ISPs had no problem accessing the site.


Emutalk Member
yesterday, i could not access to emutalk network at all... (emulation64.com too)

i only tried with my home's ISP.......
