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Some Free extra fps


The Great Gunblade Wielder
i just noticed something

i loaded up my LoZ OoT rom, and it was running at around 50fps (with frame limter off) (thats not the actual frames ps i know)

anyways, it was a little jumpy coz i've got some extra stuff open in the background

so in the task manager i switched the priority to above normal and it sky rockets to 130fps! :O wow!


New member
Yes the strangest thing will make my emu start ti stutter and stop. If I'm running a certain winamp skin my framerate just dies in the arse!


Yeah, if you have apps / services in the background that sucks up CPU cycles, then yes, setting priority helps.


Sony battery
Of course, this takes place at the expense of allowing your other tasks less CPU time, which can be a problem depending on what you're running in the background.


The Great Gunblade Wielder
well i was running a few things at the time, but even when i normally just run it without those thigns running, my cpu idles at 0-2% usage.

and only gets around 60 max.

ima try doing this later when i have nothing running and see if the boost is still there.
