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should i buy a new videocard to boost the FPS?


New member
Hi,first of all i want to give the thanxs to the dolphin emu team to creat this workable amulator,thankx very much.
i just downloaded the game starfox asault,but when i play the first mission i get around 18-24 FPS.i know that this is normal,because our cpus are 32 and 64 bit.
i am thinking to buy new video card "nvidia gforce 7800GTX 512mb.
i think that this video card can double the FPS.
this is my system spec:
amd athlon 64 939 3200+ 2.5ghz
gigabyte nforce 3 ultra mobo
video card nvidia gforce 6600gt 128
1GB ram ddr 400mhz


New member
If you upgrade to that video card you should notice absolutely no change what so ever. If you don't believe me try playing the game at a high res like 1280x1024 or even higher. You'll notice you get the exact same fps as you would running it at 320x200.

If you want to increase the speed, you need a faster processor, not video card. Right now the bottleneck is the CPU. The videocard is quite likely barely even getting warmed up by running dolphin.


Emulator Developer
Actually you'll probably get about a 1-2fps increase, if that means anything. No graphical improvements, your video card now is pretty decent. Be happy with 24fps though, most games are a 10th of that.


Active member
psychoman said:
nvidia gforce 7800GTX 512mb.
gigabyte nforce 3 ultra mobo

The 7800GTX 512MB only comes in PCI-E, which nForce3 boards don't have, so you would need to buy a new motherboard as well. The FPS increase would be close to 0%.


New member
GCFreak said:
Wrong again. The Bottlenecks are the Emulator AND todays PCs.

Um? What was this in reply to? Where you replying to me? Because you said I'm wrong and then restated what I said. Granted you were more general and said the PC is the bottleneck as oppose to saying the CPU. Which is the part of the PC which is the bottle neck.

And it goes without saying the emulator could also be coded better. I doubt there is a single emulator out there that couldn't still be optimized to run a little faster.


Emulator Developer
Even "old" graphics cards like the R9500 laugh at Dolphin. But even the latest meanest dual core Athlon CPU run away in fear. :)

Or in other words, do not buy a new gfx card for Dolphin, buy it if you need speed in real PC games.


New member
Well, I got good news for you then psychoman. It's quite likely that CPU's will become much faster then needed by dolphin, because you see desktop 128bit chips emerge.
