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Saving in RE: Code Veronica


New member
I have a Spanish copy of RE: Code Veronica. I'm having trouble saving the game. Its hard to tell what my problem is exactly, because all the menus are in spanish. Is it supposed to save it automatically as you progress? Also, it has a speed issue such that, for example, when you cycle through your options on the main menu (New Game, Load Game, ect) it goes so fast that it skips over an option to choose. Might anyone know of a solution to this problem? Also, I've tried downloading Chankast Utilities, because I believe the website said something about being able to run it at 90% rather than 100% (thought it might fix my problem)? But the server seems to be down. Would anyone mind sending me the file? Thanks for the help

This is an edit: I tried using an older version of chankast, and I was able to get the Chankast Utilities as well. I managed to drop the fps from 106 to 60, but I still have the problem where I cant choose certain options on the menu, because when I push up or down, it just zooms by them in a pattern. It only lets me choose three things in the options menu. So, if anyone might be able to tell me how to save, and (if the save feature is something that I'm unable to select) if there is a solution to that menu option skipping problem. Thanks a lot
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1. You can only save at Typewriters and only if you got an ink ribbon, every save costs one, use your ink ribbons wisely! RE-CV is your first resident evil game, isn't it?

2. Chankast got no Frameskip, so there's no real solution for that problem, you just need a good timing to hit the right options :p
