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Save Problem Need Help!


New member
Well, hi all i'm new to the forums but i've been playing on pj64 for a long time. I recently got the 1.6 version compared to my old 1.5 cuz my 1 of my joysticks buttons didnt work. Sure enough, it worked on 1.6. I was so happy but when i started Army Men: Sarge's Heroes up it didnt detect a controller pack (save thingy) but when i tried my 1.5 version it allowed me to save and it didnt say anything about controller packs. I dont wan't to save in States or i dont want to go back to version 1.5 becuz my joystick wont work so is there anything that can help me?


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Make sure that you have a MemPak/Controller Pak selected in the controller plugin configuration.

You can also try the N-Rage input plugin which handles different Paks a little better.
