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Save File?


New member
In another topic someone said I had to move the file to the save file of P64 and then load. but, I don't know how to do any of that. Where is the save file? Do I add the .zip file into it or the unzipped file? I looked in the manual and the gamefaqs, but couldn't find anything related to this.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Project 64 saves compressed savestates (.pj.zip) and battery saves (.eep/.fla/.sra) in Project64's Save folder by default and also looks for files in this folder when you are loading a game.


New member
This is my first time using an emulator. When i open P64, I go to file and Open ROM. I'll click on the saved .pj.zip and open it but the game won't load.


Oops. Died again.
That's because PJ64 can't load a game based solely on a "save" file of a game. You will have to have actual "roms" to load the game (usually ending in .rom, .v64, .n64 and even .z64 extensions) and point PJ64 to the folder they are in (I'd recommend keeping your roms in the PJ64 emulator folder, and make a "Roms" subfolder so you can easily access the games) and load the GAME through PJ64's browser window after starting the emulator.

Then, if your save file is named correctly (ie: Zelda OoT.rom likes it's save file to be named similarly as Zelda OoT.sra) or its header matches with the original rom you saved to, PJ64 will allow you to use the save game correctly when you load the game normally.

SOME games do NOT have built in saves in their "cartridges" and will not save without having to create a "memory pack" file and have the game saved there. I do not use the memory pack games (I only play the Zelda titles, and Golden Eye) so I can't tell you how to make one that will work correctly.

But if all you have are the save files for a game, you won't be able to play the game(s) you want to play. You need rom images.


New member
Alright, and those are the things that you can't ask for, right?

Edit: I got it. But now I need to know how to change controls and open save state. Is that in the manual?
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16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Yes, most (well, hopefully all) basic features of Project64 are explained in the manual.
If something isn't explained in the manual that comes with Project64, remember to check Project64's homepage, since that has more information. If the site doesn't answer your question(s), then ask on EmuTalk.


New member
I can't find any where that will let me change the controls. I looked through the manual about 5 times.
