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Rom filetypes z64, n64, rom etc.


New member
I need some help with N64 roms.
I once found detailed explantion for the different types and what they mean how/when/why to change them etc but I can not find this site again.

I have a couple games named .rom and .z64 (most all others are .n64).

Anyone know where I can find this information?


some roms are byteswapped (code is somewhat reversed to my understanding) and some of the different roms are specially changed (some fom of byteswapping or something) to work on the v64 or z64 (attachment devices for playing roms on the n64 hardware)... if you want to look around for a byteswap tool, it'll have a lot of options and you'll probably find out more... but for emulator use, it doesnt matter too much what kind of rom it is. if any of this is wrong, feel free to correct it someone.


Psychic Vampire
The file extension (and thus the byte order) makes no difference unless in PJ64, as well as all the other newer emulators. The only emulator I know of that it DOES matter is UltraHLE. I am not sure which byte order (and extension) is proper for UltraHLE, sorry.

Get GoodN64, great utility. A must for any serious emulation user, and the respect good utility is a must for serious emulation of any other system.


New member
Thanks for your help guys.
I use pj64 v1.5.
I have goodn64 and it doesnt seem to rename some of these to the verified good-name.
IPSwin doesnt seem to want to patch them either.
I remember there was a site with very good explaination of the various formats, byte-flipping and all that stuff but I cant find it now.

Thanks again,


What you are looking for is smiff's site! Check the goodn64 topic in my sig to get there.
And as for the correct byteorder for uhle...let me just say: uhle byteswaps if necessary, but it recognizes the order by the extension, not the contents of the rom. So you can fool it by picking wrong extension.
