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Resident Evil Code Veronica Saves


New member
Could someone in a fit of kindness :), please upload me his furthest progress in the game (VMS savegame file). Right before the switch from cd1 two 2 would be great (the first big tyrant battle).


New member
thx, however those saves aren't for progress but rather for "cheating".

BTW: As of yesterday all RECV problems should have been fixed now with chanka. Could you be so kind and send me the savegame once you progressed to the point right before the first tyrant battle.

My email is [email protected]. Thanks.


New member
I borrowed :p a save file from another emu forum.It's in CD2.There is an infinit-used recover item in it. :icecream:


New member
Yippieee yeahhh. Thank you so much buddy.

BTW: If you still plan to play from the start to finish could you post me the state right before the tyrant battle (End of CD1, elevator has to be freed of the crates, cutscene..., running to airplane, but tyrant...).

That would be awesome because i could catch up on the scenes i missed.
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