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Resident Evil 2 Possible?


DC Emu Fanatic
Is RE2 possible to emulate cos someone told me it wasn't because of rendered backgrounds but there are rendered backgrounds in Zelda OOT and these are handled quite well - another person said it wasn't possible because of FMV's but these can be skipped so I reckon in theory it is possible - can someone put me straight?


New member
conker runs fine here. :pj64:
so i hope it will run just as good.
:devil: shooting some monsters, blowing up the rest. finish the game.


roll for life
seems possible, except for one problem. the fmvs. how in gods name are they eva to be emulated. im sure the catridge itself did enuff little tricks to get fmvs on the n64, how on earth is an emulater meant to emulate that progress. will be done, but i doubt any time soon.


New member
sk8bloke22 said:
seems possible, except for one problem. the fmvs. how in gods name are they eva to be emulated. im sure the catridge itself did enuff little tricks to get fmvs on the n64, how on earth is an emulater meant to emulate that progress. will be done, but i doubt any time soon.
This is like the extra chips on the SNES. It's gonna take time to emulate, but eventually it can/will be done. :cool:


DC Emu Fanatic
The FMV's are skipable though so surley this means that if they had NO graphics the player could hit start an be into the game???????


New member
The videos were probably just MPEG encoded, and decoded on the CPU...once you get low-level enough emulation, they should work.
