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Request/Grandia 2 compat report.


New member
Hello everyone! Man I left the DC emu scene for a few months and finally someone managed to get something done. Impressive and good job!

After putting v.25 through its paces on a few games I noticed it is in severe need of some sort of an FPS limiter.

I noticed this mainly in Grandia 2 where if it gets over 30 FPS animations, cutscenes, speech, and sound effects become warped and broken.

So of course I would like to humbly request the team seriously consider an FPS limiter sometime in the future. Speed hacks/Over/under clocking work to a degree but different scenes render at different speeds so its never an exact science.

Ok, part 1 done.

Now for the info on Grandia 2(What I've been putting nearly all my time into.)

I'm currently using v.25 with the Echelon rip, and blue bios. As well as Zwrite and NTSC cable activated. Despite others I did manage to play the game from Deamon tools.(v 3.41) with no errors or problems there.

It does hang occasionally at the loading screen but I find over/underclocking the DC cpu a bit solves that problem. You can set it back to default during gameplay.

Now comes our main problem(For me anyhow.) everything in the game is set for somewhere around 30fps. Go above(35+) or below (25 or less) and things become distorted and broken. Whole cutscenes and dialouges can be skipped! :bye3:

Besides that I noticed a few minor graphical glitches. Flickery shadows, weird particle effects. Blocky graphics on spell effects, etc. Nothing horrendous or unplayable. Just notable.

But there was one constant glitch that seemed quite odd. Heres a screenie:


Ahh, don't mind the 1 cpu count. Just me messing around with the tools. The glitch remains no matter how much you over/underclock.

It only appears on avatared characters. Others have perfectly fine dialouge boxes.

All in all besides the synch problems the game is largely playble on my system.

And heres the specs:
Asus P4C800 deluxe
3.0ghz P4c
1024MB 3500ddr
Ati 9800pro 128MB
Audigy 2

I believe I have the latest drivers for all of these... I usually don't update until I have a problem anyway.

Well theres my n00b intro I guess. Just a hello/good job mixed in with some info. Anyway, keep up the good work all! :party:

EDIT: DOH. Just went through the stickies and saw :

P.D: We are quite busy now, we are working REALLY hard to bring you the next Chankast, so please don't ask for any feature for a while...

Sorry. :blush: :bye3:
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