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Really, really pants PC


New member
Hi ho people!

So, you know when you splash out on a new PC, and it's just sooo good, you know, that feeling? Knowing that you've got the best PC ever and no ones ever gonna play on it but you [cos you're such a good friend].

You DO know that feeling!? I did, about 3 years ago.

I have a pants PII 400, 128 RAM.

I realise its WAAAAAAAY overdue for an overhaul, and I am constantly asking friends/family members/strangers to lend/give me money to aid my cause, but to no avail.

SO! My question.

Is there any simple, effective, and mostly CHEAP way of getting some decent action out of PJ64? I realise [as said above] that upgrading is a primary option, but like, is there anything for me to do in the meantime? Bit of extra RAM? Slightly better GFX card? [i Have tnt2 32meg] different, super special drivers?

Any thoughts appreciated, and of course PC component donations always welcome :p

Buh bye for now, I've been lurking a while, and only now I am showing my face... expect more :)


Not a Moderator
one thing that you could do (if u have the hard drive space) is just install windows, your device drivers and PJ64. If you can keep what you have installed down to the bare min then your system can put your resources to other areas. It will at max give you an extra 15%, but hey, its cheap :p
