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Questions 2


New member

I think someone was abit "premature" (common male problem :devil: ), in closing this thread. I did not get a real answer. Nobody said anything about; wanting girls- or, not wanting girls- in these forums. Wich was my indirect question.

From my point of view, EmuTalk looks like it is supposed to be a male-dominated place on the internet. And the moderators do not seem to be helping.

I am not sure about the rules of EmuTalk. But if there are young people in these forums. I believe there should not be so many bad words. Especially, forum moderators should be an example.

I know i am a nobody to you, but i am asking real questions. I am not demanding. This is to know if i should stay or if i should go.

Rattrap was the one who asked me to come here, i am interested in gaming. Mostly PC and the Nintendo consoles. But i find very little, only a few discussions that are interesting and related without all the filth, acusations and "flame" as you call it.


Emu64 Staff
"From my point of view, EmuTalk looks like it is supposed to be a male-dominated place on the internet."

And I still can't understand that thesis... We do have our share of so-called shouvinistic topics (the infamous "babe thread" comes to mind), but I don't see any reason for females not to visit that board... If you backed your claim a bit, you would have probably received a valid answer.


Mr. Super Clever
TigerTron said:

I think someone was abit "premature" (common male problem :devil: ), in closing this thread. I did not get a real answer. Nobody said anything about; wanting girls- or, not wanting girls- in these forums. Wich was my indirect question.

The thread was closed because the question was answered and we do not need any spam in the topics.

From my point of view, EmuTalk looks like it is supposed to be a male-dominated place on the internet. And the moderators do not seem to be helping.

The majority of our user base are males, so its obvious why you get a male orientated vibe from here.

I know i am a nobody to you, but i am asking real questions. I am not demanding. This is to know if i should stay or if i should go.

Your completly welcome to stay here, but you have to realise that we are here for emulation and it seems the majority of the fan base are males:)

Rattrap was the one who asked me to come here, i am interested in gaming. Mostly PC and the Nintendo consoles. But i find very little, only a few discussions that are interesting and related without all the filth, acusations and "flame" as you call it.

Which is why we are cracking down on all of that, if you compare some of the newer posts to the older ones the place is getting back on track slightly. It will take a while but we will get back to our good old days:cool:

Like I said your welcome to stay, just make sure you leave the toilet seat up;) :D


Emulator Developer
If you have any suggestion to make this board more interesting for girls feel free to give ideas ;) (the only limit afaik is to stay on topic)

I know some girls who like to play some old games in emulator (no i'm not talking about the fu-fme) but they are not enough interested in emulation to post anything on a forum like this one.


Active member
Yeah, I definitely agree with Hacktarux here. Suggestions are always welcome, and we will do our best to please your visits.

About the age of the members, I'd say that the majority are young, late teenagers, probably. We do have a lot of members who are in their 20's and 30's as well, and some who are much older than that. Many of our members that has been around since the start have been around emulation for ages and do have great knowledge about it.

True, we are an emulation community, but that doesn't mean we don't welcome girls. Everyone is welcome, it is up to them if they like it or not. :)


New member
I have very little to add to what i have allready said. I do not like to say things twice. wich is why i never do (unless i forget myself :blush: ).

But to answer Martin and Hacktarux. I guess the problem for me personally is that i see alot of bad-language and very few discussions.

Some of you should get a medal for helping people in need (I have seen Smiff and Gentleman helping alot). But beyond that, most topics and discussions I have browsed thru are filled with few on-topic opinions. I also see alot of threads being closed. I feel it is the same thing all of the time. Someone starts a thread, soon there are five users "spamming" (usually the same ones) and after a couple of hours. Thread is closed.

I did not even get to reply to the last "questions" thread that i created before it was closed. How am I able to have a discussion if my thread is closed? I understand that you do not want "spam". But surelly, there most be other ways of controlling the EmuTalk forums, then closing every thread you see.

The optimal way of "cleaning up", seems to be. To stop the users before they do the damage. Instead of hiding the damage under the carpet (This is also a common male problem, RatTrap used to do this when i visited long time ago :inlove: ).

I do not know if my words are wize and i do not mean to "overstep", but to me. My words look very sane and alot more responsable than what i have heard up untill now. I hope nobody thinks i am being disrespektfull. I rarelly type in english. So it is hard for me to express my thoughts as well as i could in my own language. But i think i am starting to losen up a bit. Even though i am abit embarassed by the typos i keep making and forget to fix.


Active member
TigerTron: Yes, I agree with you on a few points there, especially the "solve problems by locking threads" attitude some of the moderators tend to have, but we have actively discussed this in the staff board since I got internet access a few days ago, and I believe we're far from perfect, but at least heading in the right direction again.

This week a short but sweet list of new moderators have joined the team, and I am very confident that with their help we can solve our problems. As you say, the problems aren't solved by locking threads and banning users, instead we will try to inform and guide better. It is better to delete the inappropriate posts than locking the thread and ruining the fun for everyone. It is better to PM a user, informing him/her than instantly banning.

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we all want this place to be a joyful one, and we will work our hardest to reach that goal. From now on. Promised. :)


New member
Thank you Martin, for your quick replies and optimism. I just hope i did not get anyone mad at me now.

I find it funny. J said you are mean, that i need to watch out and that i most not "play" with the people in this forum to much. But here i have the owner of the whole EmuTalk "promising" me that things will get better :devil: .

But, if you think about it. Men allways get nice and start spreading around promises just to make one stay quiet :angry: . We will see i suppose.

On a side note, i like the smilies. You should get a lot more :bunny: :inlove: .


The Soul Reaving Gentleman
Welcome to Emutalk TigerTron BTW :blush: (i feel rude for not saying that earlier)

In general there are a lot of women members & i have had the honour of chating to a few of them on irc.

Mainly the reason Woman do not post that often is:

1) They bother to read the read mes & take note.

2) They have the sense to look for them in the 1st place :p

as for the rest of the tidy up it will be for the best :)

My wife is a constant member of ET, but she hardly ever posts.

Again she seeks out the docs/readmes,rules & only then will post if nothing is there :)

We have a lot to learn in Patience & common sense from woman.


Active member
TigerTron said:
Thank you Martin, for your quick replies and optimism. I just hope i did not get anyone mad at me now.

I find it funny. J said you are mean, that i need to watch out and that i most not "play" with the people in this forum to much. But here i have the owner of the whole EmuTalk "promising" me that things will get better :devil: .

But, if you think about it. Men allways get nice and start spreading around promises just to make one stay quiet :angry: . We will see i suppose.

On a side note, i like the smilies. You should get a lot more :bunny: :inlove: .

Hehe, J is just pissed off because I left him out in the cold, however, I had no choice. The truth to that is that I moved to my new apartment on September 2 and didn't get a phone line for 2 months (SSSB! :plain2: ) , so I couldn't get online (except at school, but I can't sit there and do work on the sites) during that period. I talked to him yesterday though, and I think he understood the reason I wasn't online as much as I had hoped. Besides, he's generally online when most sane people are sleeping, and it's feels rather silly to make a pot of coffee and take a trip to Campus at 3 am. :p

Things will get better, and I stand by what I promise. Since you have joined so recently, you haven't noticed that things have got better already, with a lot less spam and stupidity, and with the new site design, courtesy of our own great J, I can only see things improve further on.

The smilies rock, click "Get More" to view the whole list of them. I'll have a look for even more of them. :)


New member
You are making me laugh so much Gentleman. We are NOT patient.

You could believe that because most of us play the "patience" card-game. RatTrap used to tease me about that card game all the time. Untill i one day got mad and ended up playing his games. I got further in "Alice" then he ever got.

If a woman is showing you that side of her, it is probably with some hidden motive, or they are a man :devil: .

I will agree with you on common sense (we are far superior in that area :innocent: ).

Thank you for welcoming me, but you must know some very diferent ladies than the ones i have met in all of my life.


Yes!, more smilies. I did not see that before. Thank you very much kind sir :) .

No, he said you are mean. I do not think that is the reason.

He has been working a lot since he got back to Stockholm. And he has been doing trips to visit me in south of Sweden almost every week. So he had no time to be in here in the day.

Yes, that could be right. I am very new. But J said it was a nice place with nice people that like to discuss ideas and creativity in some ways. I think i must have expected to much. We will see how it goes. I am adapting i think, and if you keep your promiss also it can help. Worst thing that could happen is that i left. I doubt it will be something to cry about.
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Active member
So I am just plain mean? I don't think he truly means that, since I feel we've got along very nicely, and he's fun to have around. But I must say, his posts are usually about 3000 characters too long here. :)


The Soul Reaving Gentleman
TigerTron said:
You are making me laugh so much Gentleman. We are NOT patient.

If a woman is showing you that side of her, it is probably with some hidden motive, or they are a man :devil: .

I will agree with you on common sense (we are far superior in that area :innocent: ).

Thank you for welcoming me, but you must know some very diferent ladies than the ones i have met in all of my life.

lol well, i am a Gentleman.
plus i believe in treating people as i would like to be treated in return.

So maybe the fact of finding the nice side of a person and starting as you mean to go on really works :)


New member
Martin said:
TigerTron: Yes, I agree with you on a few points there, especially the "solve problems by locking threads" attitude some of the moderators tend to have, but we have actively discussed this in the staff board since I got internet access a few days ago, and I believe we're far from perfect, but at least heading in the right direction again.

This week a short but sweet list of new moderators have joined the team, and I am very confident that with their help we can solve our problems. As you say, the problems aren't solved by locking threads and banning users, instead we will try to inform and guide better. It is better to delete the inappropriate posts than locking the thread and ruining the fun for everyone. It is better to PM a user, informing him/her than instantly banning.

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we all want this place to be a joyful one, and we will work our hardest to reach that goal. From now on. Promised. :)

hehe, someone locking threads? it can't possibly have been me ;)

but on the bright side the nick banning has stopped


New member
The 3000 word long comments are something he has taken from me. I am used to typing long and since him and i have known eachother for a long time. I think we both type long. He used to be very direct and very short. But he started typing long like me after a while.

He said "Martin är en elaking" i think we both know how he means :) .

"i believe in treating people as i would like to be treated in return"

This is something RatTrap also says alot. But i meant that i am NOT patient, and most of the girls i know are not patient eather. Maybe i am a "bitch", but that does not bother me. I prefer to speak up then to stay quiet and be run over.


New member
TigerTron said:
But J said it was a nice place with nice people that like to discuss ideas and creativity in some ways. I think i must have expected to much.
Posting on this board used to be great fun a few months ago. During the summer holidays and the autumn the board had degraded into a spam/flame/swear board, and we are putting a cap on that right now. Another problem was that Martin was not online for a pretty long time, so we were not sure how to react to the problem. We have a few nice hacks added to the board now that should make controlling the things that happen here much much easier, above all the new warning system. I believe that most of the flaming etc will cease in a few weeks, and that we can be a little less strict about offtopic posts/threads again.

Men allways get nice and start spreading around promises just to make one stay quiet
lol, so true :blush:


New member
TigerTron said:
He said "Martin är en elaking" i think we both know how he means :)
Nej, nej, he most definitely is not. In fact, he is one of the nicest people I have met on the net.
