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Question about Zelda version 1.0-1.1


New member
I found out that version 1.2 have some problem like whenever you enter the house which sell shield and stuff as a adult, you get a message about access violation. As Coliscool recomended to get version 1.0. But there is two version, one is 1.0, and 1.1.

1) What is the different between version 1.0 and 1.1? Which one is better?

2) By the way, whenever i open a chest, there is a black vertical box from it instead of light come out, is this happen in 1.0 too?

Thanks in advance!


Nintendo Zealot
1. Bug fixes. Ganon spits green blood in the end, swordless link trick dont work.

2. That's a bug with jabo's 1.5.. try changing to the 23.xx dets, it worked for me.


New member
1) I already installed the driver 23.12 dets for my Geforce mx 400 already, but still the black box treasure still there. Should I keep the 23.12 or not? If not, which dets version you prefered?

2) Do you think changing the graphic plugin from v.1.5 back to 1.4 will solve the problem in PJ64 v.1.5?

3) Last one, which version of OoT is better with bug fixed and stuff; version 1.0 or 1.1?

Thanks a lot!
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Nintendo Zealot
1. I prefer the latest available from nVidia's site.

2. If you mean the treasure chest.. yes. If you mean the crash.. i doubt it. If you are unable to get v1.0 of the rom, try using Protect Memory in the Rom Options.

3. The bugs that are fixed are internal.. nintendo caught them, and fixed em (Ganon's blood was more of a optional change though). I reccomend using v1.0 as it retains what OoT wa originally, without changes. (Beta quest kicks ass) :happy:

4. -->Thanks a lot!

No problem. :santa: :holiday:
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New member
So like in OoT version 1.0, Ganon blood will be red????????

If I get the lastest driver for Nvidia card, and playing OoT version 1.0 with PJ64 (graphic plugin is v1.5), do you think the blackbox treasure and the crash will be gone??!

just curious, thanks a million for answer.


Nintendo Zealot
Before anything, try using protect memory, this will most likely fix the crashes. If not, you need to get the v1.0 ROM. The new video card drivers may help the treasure chest.


New member
Ok, I've test both version 1.0 and 1.1 already after downloading overnight by a 56k modem.:cry:

The crash happen both version as I tested, and when I tried to use "PM" on version 1.2, it still crash....

As for the treasure black box, I still haven't update the dents newest driver yet, so I don't know yet. GFX plugin 1.5 is the best though, 1.4 look so ugly after using 1.5:happy:
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