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PSPXTI: A TI-92 Calculator emulator v1.0.0


DCEmu Webmaster
Category: <b>PSP</b><br><br>Another day and a new emulator for the PSP has been released.

zx-81 has released a TI-92 emulator for the PSP, heres what he wrote:

<blockquote>Hi all,
XTiger is an unix emulator (under X Window) of a TI-92 calculator (Texas instruments).It was originally written by Jonas Minnberg and was closed source.
Jonas Minnberg has not worked on XTiger for quite a while and he gave Misha Nasledov the code and permission to GPL it. I've sucessfully modified and port the source code of the 0.8 version using PSPSDK environment. It's now working fine on PSP !
The package is under GPL Copyright and sources are included. I've tested it only on PSP with FW 2.5 using Fanjita GTA loader, but it seems to work also on 2.x, and a 1.5 FW version is also include (generated using upspear 0.1).

Many TI92 stuff can be found on the following urls :

http://www.ticalc.org, and on the texas instruments web site http://education.ti.com

You need the rom of your TI-92 or TI-92 plus, but it is NOT part of the PSPXTI package because it is the property of Texas Instruments !


Check out the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=20531


New member
This is really awesome. With every release it gets just better and better. . . For the "Auto close brackets" do you have to load the app such as you would for the akranoid game? If so, do you have to do it everytime you start up the calculator? Other than that, keep up the GREAT work man.
