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Profile for Nrages 2.00? PD, Goldeneye


New member
Has anyone made a better one than what's already been posted in the sticky? Just wondering cause I'm trying to make it more steady without the acceleration you get when you turn fast.

Looking for one for more PD atm Control 1.2


Plugin Hacker
The one I posted is by no means perfect; feel free to mess around with the sliders and such until you get it working the way you want. I think you can adjust the turn speed in game, and I'd start by doing that, then moving the sliders in the plugin.


New member
Yeah I was just hoping someone had already tweaked it to work smooth and nice. Another question, is there anyway to switch to Absolute mouse movement when Zooming in? Some sort of hotkey quickchange deal? Because when aiming you need the constant pressure. Or is there a way to change that in game aswell?
