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Problems with the Daedalus video plugin


New member
To start off, my video card is an ATI Radeon Xpress 200. Yes, integrated.

When I use OpenGL as a render engine, I don't get any video. Audio works fine. Perfectly fine. It still says 60 VI/s on the bottom.

When I use DirectX as a render engine, I get an error saying "Cannot initialize DX8, check your direct settings". Then "Error to start video".

In both, I have the combiner type set as "To fit your video card". I am forced to use Jabo's video plugins from Project64, but I would prefer to use the Daedalus plugin.

Thanks in advance.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
A very simple question: What DirectX version do you have installed? Another question: Do you have Direct3D Acceleration enabled in DXDiag?


New member
I have the latest version from last February, and yes, I do have Direct3D acceleration enabled.
