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Problems with Bomberman 64


New member
It skips, frezzes in the middle of the opening scene and other places, and sometimes it makes this weird sound and shuts down on me. This is my favorite game and i would really like it too be fixed.:(


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
From the GameFAQ:

intro may freeze halfway through, just press reset (F1) and go to the Select File screen and use File 1.
blur effects e.g. in boss fights, intro may need Copy Framebuffer to RDRAM for correct display (but not recommend due to slowdown).
parts of the intro bad
gold cards are not displayed correctly
some of the custom Bomberman screens are glitchy
missing green glow on selected level (Clements)
when you press Start to select your game type, the background should darken, but it doesn't (Clements)
when you select a file, there should be a green rectangle behind your data but it's missing (Clements)


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Scipio1 said:
uh that still doesn't answer my question on how to fix it
The most likely answer is that you can't fix it in any other way other than trying the game in 1964, and perhaps even another video plugin.


New member

Could you do me a favor and sgn on AIM and walk me through it I suck with Computers:homestar:
