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Problem Starting mupen64-0.5


New member
My configuration is:
P4 1.8GHz 512MB ram,
Linux Debian with Gnome and MYTHTV.

I have download mupen64-0.5 and type:

'./configure' keep all the defaults then 'make mupen64-nogui' when I have try to start it ie './mupen64_nogui ../roms/Spider-Man.z64' I got:

[blight's SDL input plugin]: version 0.0.10 initialized.
(II) Initializing SDL video subsystem...
(II) Getting video info...
(II) Setting video mode 640x480...
(EE) Cannot open config file.
(II) JttL's sound plugin version 1.3
(II) Initializing SDL audio subsystem...
(II) Allocating memory for audio buffer: 65536 bytes.
demarrage r4300
dynamic recompiler
two events of type 8 in queue
two events of type 8 in queue
(process:2992): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2215: initialization assertion failed, use IA__g_type_init() prior to this function

(process:2992): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
Segmentation fault

And it exits

Any idea How to fix it?


Last edited:


Active member
This might be applicable?

"When I try to build it for multiuser, it compiles. But when I run it, it segfaults. Also it does not build the guiless version when compiling for multiuser."

"Sorry for that, to fix the nogui version just add those two lines in main/main.c :

#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
Concerning the segfault... of course you have done a "make install" as root after compilation, you have checked that you have some plugins in PREFIX/share/mupen64/plugins/ ?"


New member
Thanks for the reply.

I have try it but I got the same results. I dont want to make install after compilation cause I want to use it within Mythtv. Just copy the mupen64_nogui in /usr/emulators/n64/bin/ and the following files in /usr/local/emulators/n64/bin/plugins/:
Glide64.so, jttl_audio.so, blight_input.so, and mupen64_hle_rsp_azimer.so in /usr/emulators/n64/bin/
as well as the following mupen64.conf:

Gfx Plugin = /usr/emulators/n64/bin/plugins/Glide64.so
Audio Plugin = /usr/emulators/n64/bin/plugins/jttl_audio.so
Input Plugin = /usr/emulators/n64/bin/plugins/blight_input.so
RSP Plugin = /usr/emulators/n64/bin/mupen64_hle_rsp_azimer.so
Fullscreen = true
Emulation Mode = 2
No Ask = true

It's opening loading the rom 100% then crash with the above results.

Thanks for helping.



New member
Now after a lot of tries I have manage to start it without the previews errors.

But when I try to load a game a small box is shown on the left top corner of the screen and nothing happens.

Here what I get:

mythtv:/usr/local/src/mupen64_src-0.5# ./mupen64_nogui --fullscreen /usr/emulato rs/n64/roms/Spider-Man.z64

Mupen64 version : 0.5
file found
rom size: 33554432 bytes (or 32 Mb or 256 Megabits)
rom loaded succesfully
loading rom : 100%
80 37 12 40
CRC: a60ed171 3d85d06e
Manufacturer: Nintendo
Cartridge_ID: 4c53
Country : United States
size: 4096
PC= 80000400
md5 code:7F1991B8861E7E532EC21ECF2AF82191
eeprom type:0
Goodname:Spider-Man (U) [!]
16kb eeprom=0
emulation mode:
1. interpreter
2. dynamic recompiler (default)
3. pure interpreter
memory initialized
Choose your gfx plugin :
1 - Glide64 v0.7 ME SP8 (/usr/local/src/mupen64_src-0.5/./plugins/Glide64.so)
Choose your audio plugin :
1 - JttL's SDL plugin 1.3 (/usr/local/src/mupen64_src-0.5/./plugins/jttl_audio.s o)
Choose your input plugin :
1 - blight's SDL input plugin 0.0.10 (/usr/local/src/mupen64_src-0.5/./plugins/b light_input.so)
Choose your RSP plugin :
1 - Hacktarux/Azimer hle rsp plugin (/usr/local/src/mupen64_src-0.5/./plugins/mu pen64_hle_rsp_azimer.so)

Selected Plugins: /usr/emulators/n64/roms/Spider-Man.z64, 1 - JttL's SDL plugin 1.3, 1 - blight's SDL input plugin 0.0.10, 1 - Hacktarux/Azimer hle rsp plugin
[blight's SDL input plugin]: version 0.0.10 initialized.
(II) JttL's sound plugin version 1.3
(II) Initializing SDL audio subsystem...
(II) Allocating memory for audio buffer: 65536 bytes.
demarrage r4300
dynamic recompiler
two events of type 8 in queue
two events of type 8 in queue
two events of type 8 in queue

Can someone please help?


Programmer | Moderator
Why not just use 1964 or project 64? They are a lot more compatible than mupen.


Active member
Since he's running in linux, it's not really an option. To do so he could try using WINE, but success might be variable.

Sri Narayan

New member
One question to your problem Neeesat:

is the config file r/w able by the user you used and in your $PLUGIN path?

"(II) Initializing SDL video subsystem...
(II) Getting video info...
(II) Setting video mode 640x480...
(EE) Cannot open config file. <==


New member
The problem with the config file I had it at the begining. If you see the second debug infos it loaded ok.

I try the precompiled version of Mupen64 and It worked. The problem is that I need to use the source one.




New member
Finaly it WORKED.

Just make full functional the bin version of Mupen64 and i have copy all the plugins and conf files in the plugins directory of the src version.

All functioning ok now.




Active member
Glad you figured it out and thanks for posting how you got it to work so others may benefit :)
