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Plugin "missing"


New member
A short while ago, I had to go help my father with something, so I saved and shut off P64. When I came back, I started it again, but it told me the default audio plugin was missing.I didn't really get what was going on, so I uninstalled it and downloaded it again (I noticed version 1.6 was out, I'd been using 1.5 before). After the installation, the plugin was still missing. Both of them. The only working plugin I have now is the no sound plugin, which I for obvious reasons don't care for using. I uninstalled it from the installer, and re-installed it, the problem was still there. What can I do?

If it matters, I'm running Windows XP SP1 Home edition. I've tried installing it to the default folder, and another one. I'm out of ideas.


New member
Yes. At least I haven't removed anything from the folder after installing the program.


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
Check from Options ---> Settings ---> Directories that the paths are correct, just in case. It could be a registry problem as well.


New member
Hm. It turned out not to be a Project64 problem at all. Shortly after that last message I posted, I noticed no other programs I started could produce sound either (mIRC could produce the beep, for some reason). A simple reboot fixed the issue. Thanks for your help, though. Sorry about this v_v
