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pj64 1.6, vista laptop, ATi Sempron Xpress 1150, Resident evil 2


16-bit Corpse | Moderator
IIRC, no emulator is able to play Resident Evil 2 perfectly, so you'll be disappointed. Play the PSX version instead.


New member
well the main focus im going for is playability. i can deal with no sound, i just want to able to see where im going and can play through the entire game w/o crashes or terrible f@%#ed up graphics. I'm sorry, i didnt realize before all the previous topics about this game, i see now how difficult many people have with this. but for anyone who does have it working, can you please tell me what you are using to make the game playable? sorry to be naggy, as i cant play this on a psx emulator(wont work for me epsxe) and would rather not DL the game either. once again thanks all.


I had a large amount of luck with the following combination:

Jabo's RSP
Glide64 with ziggy, Hacktarux's and I's wrapper.

Though, Glide64 does require a strong video card for it to work best, and the wrapper uses OpenGL. Which isnt a ATI card's strong point....


New member
ugh. ok so it turns out i am compatible for glide64 but neither emulator will take to the menu. the fmv's would go but then it gets stuck after the video stuck at 22+fps. if anyone else got it going good for them I'd love to hear. why is this game such a pain in the @$$?
