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Perfect Dark Zero, new game anounced!


New member

Yep, there making another Perfect Dark game, proably an exclusive as it a new launch title for the Xbox 360. And yes...Rare is still making the game.


At your service, dood!
"With Rare taking the title as possibly the least productive multi-million dollar company ever" hahah... exactly what I think of Rare after microsoft.


New member
Microsoft's strategy with Rare has been "very deliberate."

hrrm, IIRC Nintendo used to say similar things about Rare too. (It'll be done when it's doen etc...)

Microsoft is probably one of the few companies that has the money and is willing to support Rare. Anyone else would have dumped it by now and would have farmed the intellectual rights out.


An Alright Guy
I don't see 2 rare titles being released at the same time as launch titles. They only ever concentrate on releasing one game, i dont think they're developing 2 games right now so they can be released as launch titles for the 360.
