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Patch for Linux command line version


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Hello all!

I was having trouble with the 0.5 command line version loading gfx plugins correctly, so I looked at the source and found the problem was with the command line parsing. Rather than simply fix the error, I felt it was worth my time to re-write the implementation.

This is still somewhat quick-fix-ish, but it works, at least for me.


After applying the patch, the --interactive option will have been removed. Interactive will be the default behavior. If you want to use your config file, use the -c or --config options. Interactive mode will not ask for any option specified on the command line.

For example:

mupen64_nogui rom

Will ask you to select an emulation mode, and ask you to select each plugin, one at a time.

mupen64_nogui -e 1 rom

Will only ask you to select plugins.

If you use -c or --config, the interactive mode will ask for any parameters missing from the config file.

All long options now have corresponding short options:

-f, --fullscreen : turn fullscreen mode on
-n, --noask : do not ask to force load hacks/bad dumps
-e, --emumode (number) : set emu mode to
1=interpreter 2=dynamic recompiler 3=pure interpeter
-g, --gfx (plugin) : set gfx plugin to (plugin)
-a, --audio (plugin) : set audio plugin to (plugin)
-i, --input (plugin) : set input plugin to (plugin)
-r, --rsp (plugin) : set rsp plugin to (plugin)

And there are new options:

-h, -?, --help : display usage summary
-v, --verbose : verbose output
-c, --config : use gui config file

*Big Fat Warning*

I have almost no formal training writing code, and absolutly no formal training writing C code. I make no guarantee it will compile, much less work for anyone else but me. ;)

The patch should be applied to the 0.5 source.
Apply the path with the following:

patch /path/to/mupen64/source/main/main.c /path/to/patchfile.patch

Here is the patch:

> #include <getopt.h>
> #include <dirent.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
< int p_noask;
> static int p_noask = 0;
> static int verbose = 0;
< {
> {	
>    if(p_noask && !verbose) return 1;
>    if(p_noask) return 1;
<    if(p_noask) return 1;
<    else
<      {
< 	c = getchar();
< 	getchar();
< 	if (c=='y' || c=='Y') return 1;
< 	else return 0;
<      }
>    c = getchar();
>    getchar();
>    if (c=='y' || c=='Y') return 1;
>    else return 0;
>    if(p_noask && !verbose) return 1;
>    if(p_noask) return 1;
<    if(p_noask) return 1;
<    else
<      {
< 	c = getchar();
< 	getchar();
< 	if (c=='y' || c=='Y') return 1;
< 	else return 0;
<      }
>    c = getchar();
>    getchar();
>    if (c=='y' || c=='Y') return 1;
>    else return 0;
> static void usage (int h)
> {
> 	printf("\nUsage: mupen64_nogui [OPTIONS]... rom\n\nOPTIONS:\n"
> 		   "  -h, -?, --help	     : display this usage summary\n"
> 		   "  -v, --verbose	         : verbose output\n"
> 		   "  -c, --config	         : use gui config file\n"
> 	       "  -f, --fullscreen       : turn fullscreen mode on\n"
> 		   "  -n, --noask            : do not ask to force load hacks/bad dumps\n"
> 		   "  -e, --emumode (number) : set emu mode to: 1=interp./2=recomp./3=pure interp\n"
> 	       "  -g, --gfx (plugin)     : set gfx plugin to (plugin)\n"
> 	       "  -a, --audio (plugin)   : set audio plugin to (plugin)\n"
> 	       "  -i, --input (plugin)   : set input plugin to (plugin)\n"
> 	       "  -r, --rsp (plugin)     : set rsp plugin to (plugin)\n\n");
> 	if(h)
> 		printf("You can use the Config-File from the Gui-Version with -c or --config\n"
> 	 	   	   "There are aditional Parameters for the NO-GUI Version:\n\n"
> 		   	   "    Fullscreen = (true/false)  : set fullscreen mode\n"
> 		   	   "    Core = (number)            : set emumode to (number)\n"
> 		   	   "    No Ask = (true/false)      : do not ask to force load hacks/bad dumps\n\n");
> }
<    char c;
<    char plugins[100][100], s[20];
<    int old_i, i, i1, i2, i3, i4;
<    int p, p_fullscreen = 0, p_emumode = 0, p_gfx = 0, p_audio = 0, p_input = 0, p_rsp = 0, p_help = 0, p_error = 0;
<    int p_emumode_value=1, fileloaded = 0, p_interactive = 0;
<    int true = 1;
<    char *buffer, *buffer2;
>    char plugins[100][100];
>    int old_i, i, i1;
>    int p_fullscreen = 0, p_emumode = 0, p_config = 0;
>    char *buffer = NULL;
>    const char *gplug = NULL, *aplug = NULL, *iplug = NULL, *rplug = NULL;
<    //read config file, read plugins
<    config_read();
<    plugin_scan_directory(cwd);
<    //get config file settings
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Gfx Plugin", "");
<    buffer2= plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
<    if(buffer2)
<      {
< 	strcpy(plugins[100], buffer2);
< 	p_gfx = true;
<      }
<    else if(buffer) printf("GFX Plugin from ini-file could not be loaded\n");
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Audio Plugin", "");
<    buffer2= plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
<    if(buffer2)
<      {
< 	strcpy(plugins[99], buffer2);
< 	p_audio = true;
<      }
<    else if(buffer) printf("Audio Plugin from ini-file could not be loaded\n");
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Input Plugin", "");
<    buffer2= plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
<    if(buffer2)
<      {
< 	strcpy(plugins[98], buffer2);
< 	p_input = true;
<      }
<    else if(buffer) printf("Input Plugin from ini-file could not be loaded\n");
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("RSP Plugin", "");
<    buffer2= plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
<    if(buffer2)
<      {
< 	strcpy(plugins[97], buffer2);
< 	p_rsp = true;
<      }
<    else if(buffer) printf("RSP Plugin from ini-file could not be loaded\n");
>    	// read plugins
> 	plugin_scan_directory(cwd);
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Core", "");
<    if(strcmp(buffer,""))
<      {
< 	p_emumode = true;
< 	p_emumode_value = buffer[0]-'0'+1;
<      }
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Fullscreen", "");
<    if(strcmp(buffer,""))
<      {
< 	if(!strcmp(buffer, "true"))
< 	  p_fullscreen = true;
<      }
<    buffer = (char*)config_get_string("No Ask", "");
<    if(strcmp(buffer,""))
<      {
< 	if(!strcmp(buffer, "true"))
< 	  p_noask = true;
<      }
<    // Command Line Parameter - Parsing
<    for(p=1; p<argc; p++)
<      {
< 	if(argv[p][0] == '-')
< 	  {
< 	     if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--fullscreen"))
< 	       p_fullscreen = true;
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--help"))
< 	       p_help = true;
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--noask"))
< 	       p_noask = true;
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--interactive"))
< 	       p_interactive = true;
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--emumode"))
< 	       {
< 		  p++;
< 		  if(p < argc)
< 		    {
< 		       p_emumode_value = argv[p][0];
< 		       p_emumode = true;
< 		    }
< 	       }
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--gfx"))
< 	       {
< 		  p++;
< 		  if(p < argc)
< 		    {
< 		       buffer = plugin_name_by_filename(argv[p]);
< 		       if(buffer)
< 			 {
< 			    strcpy(plugins[100], buffer);
< 			    p_gfx = true;
< 			 }
< 		       else printf("specified GFX Plugin couldn't be loaded!\n");
< 		    }
< 	       }
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--audio"))
< 	       {
< 		  p++;
< 		  if(p < argc)
< 		    {
< 		       buffer = plugin_name_by_filename(argv[p]);
< 		       if(buffer)
< 			 {
< 			    strcpy(plugins[99], buffer);
< 			    p_audio = true;
< 			 }
< 		       else printf("specified Audio Plugin couldn't be loaded!\n");
< 		    }
< 	       }
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--input"))
< 	       {
< 		  p++;
< 		  if(p < argc)
< 		    {
< 		       buffer = plugin_name_by_filename(argv[p]);
< 		       if(buffer)
< 			 {
< 			    strcpy(plugins[98], buffer);
< 			    p_input = true;
< 			 }
< 		       else printf("specified Input Plugin couldn't be loaded!\n");
< 		    }
< 	       }
< 	     else if(!strcmp(argv[p], "--rsp"))
< 	       {
< 		  p++;
< 		  if(p < argc)
< 		    {
< 		       buffer = plugin_name_by_filename(argv[p]);
< 		       if(buffer)
< 			 {
< 			    strcpy(plugins[97], buffer);
< 			    p_rsp = true;
< 			 }
< 		       else printf("specified RSP Plugin couldn't be loaded!\n");
< 		    }
< 	       }
< 	  }
< 	else
< 	  {
< 	     strcpy(romfile, argv[p]);
< 	     fileloaded = true;
< 	  }
<      }
<    if(p_interactive)
<      {
< 	p_emumode = 0;
< 	p_gfx = 0;
< 	p_audio = 0;
< 	p_input = 0;
< 	p_rsp = 0;
<      }
<    printf("\nMupen64 version : %s\n", VERSION);
<    if (argc < 2 || p_help || p_error || fileloaded != true)
<      {
< 	printf("\n\n"
< 	       "syntax: mupen64_nogui [parameter(s)] rom\n"
< 	       "\n"
< 	       "Parameters:\n"
< 	       "  --fullscreen       : turn fullscreen mode on\n"
< 	       "  --gfx (plugin)     : set gfx plugin to (plugin)\n"
< 	       "  --audio (plugin)   : set audio plugin to (plugin)\n"
< 	       "  --input (plugin)   : set input plugin to (plugin)\n"
< 	       "  --rsp (plugin)     : set rsp plugin to (plugin)\n"
< 	       "  --emumode (number) : set emu mode to: 1=interp./2=recomp./3=pure interp\n"
< 	       "  --noask            : don't ask to force load on bad dumps\n"
< 	       "  --interactive      : ask interactively for all plugins\n"
< 	       "\n"
< 	       "You can also use the Config-File from the Gui-Version\n"
< 	       "but there are aditional Parameters for the NO-GUI Version\n"
< 	       "\n");
< 	return 0;
<      }
>    	/* parse command line options */
>    	static struct option longoptions[] =
> 	{
> 		{ "verbose", 		no_argument, 		0, 'v' },
> 		{ "help", 			no_argument, 		0, 'h' },
> 		{ "fullscreen", 	no_argument, 		0, 'f' },
> 		{ "noask", 			no_argument, 		0, 'n' },
> 		{ "config", 		no_argument, 		0, 'c' },
> 		{ "emumode", 		required_argument, 	0, 'e' },
> 		{ "gfx", 			required_argument, 	0, 'g' },
> 		{ "audio", 			required_argument, 	0, 'a' },
> 		{ "input", 			required_argument, 	0, 'i' },
> 		{ "rsp", 			required_argument, 	0, 'r' },
> 		{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }
> 	};
> 	int o, *option_index = 0;
> 	while((o = getopt_long(argc, argv, "?vhfnce:g:a:i:r:",
> 						   longoptions, option_index)) != -1)
> 	{
> 		switch (o)
> 		{
> 			case 'v':
> 				verbose = 1;
> 				break;
> 			case 'f':
> 				p_fullscreen = 1;
> 				break;
> 			case 'n':
> 				p_noask = 1;
> 				break;
> 			case 'c':
> 				p_config = 1;
> 				break;
> 			case 'e':
> 				sscanf(optarg, "%ld", &dynacore);
> 				dynacore--;
> 				p_emumode = 1;
> 				break;
> 			case 'g':
> 				gplug = plugin_name_by_filename(optarg);
> 				break;
> 			case 'a':
> 				aplug = plugin_name_by_filename(optarg);
> 				break;
> 			case 'i':
> 				iplug = plugin_name_by_filename(optarg);
> 				break;
> 			case 'r':
> 				rplug = plugin_name_by_filename(optarg);
> 				break;
> 			case 'h':
> 			case '?':
> 				usage(1);
> 				break;
> 			default:
> 				usage(0);
> 				return 0;
> 		}
> 	}
> 	if(p_config)
> 	{
> 	    //read config file
> 	    config_read();
> 	    //get config file settings
> 		if(!gplug)
> 		{
> 		   buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Gfx Plugin", "");
> 		   gplug = plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
> 		   if(!gplug && buffer && verbose)
> 			   printf("GFX Plugin: %s\nfrom config file could not be loaded!\n", buffer);
> 	    }
> 		if(!aplug)
> 		{
> 			buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Audio Plugin", "");
> 			aplug = plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
> 			if(!aplug && buffer && verbose)
> 				printf("Audio Plugin: %s\nfrom config file could not be loaded!\n", buffer);				
> 		}
> 		if(!iplug)
> 		{
> 	   		buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Input Plugin", "");
> 	   		iplug = plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
> 		    if(!iplug && buffer && verbose)
> 				printf("Input Plugin: %s\nfrom config file could not be loaded!\n", buffer);
> 		}
> 		if(!rplug)
> 		{
> 			buffer = (char*)config_get_string("RSP Plugin", "");
> 			rplug = plugin_name_by_filename(buffer);
> 			if(!rplug && buffer && verbose)
> 				printf("RSP Plugin: %s\nfrom config file could not be loaded\n", buffer);
> 		}
> 		if(!p_emumode)
> 		{
> 			buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Core", "");
> 			if(strcmp(buffer,""))
> 			{
> 				sscanf(buffer, "%ld", &dynacore);
> 				dynacore--;
> 				p_emumode = 1;
> 			}
> 		}
> 		if(!p_fullscreen)
> 		{
> 			buffer = (char*)config_get_string("Fullscreen", "");
> 			if(strcmp(buffer,""))
> 		 	{
> 				if(!strcmp(buffer, "true"))
> 		  			p_fullscreen = 1;
> 		 	}
> 		}
> 		if(!p_noask)
> 		{
> 			buffer = (char*)config_get_string("No Ask", "");
> 			if(strcmp(buffer,""))
> 		 	{
> 				if(!strcmp(buffer, "true"))
> 		  			p_noask = 1;
> 		 	}
> 		}
>  	}
> 	if(!argv[optind])
> 	{
> 		usage(0);
> 		return 0;
> 	}
> 	/* loading ROM file */
> 	strncpy(romfile, argv[optind], PATH_MAX);
<    printf("Goodname:%s\n", ROM_SETTINGS.goodname);
<    printf("16kb eeprom=%d\n", ROM_SETTINGS.eeprom_16kb);
<    printf ("emulation mode:\n"
< 	   "     1. interpreter\n"
< 	   "     2. dynamic recompiler (default)\n"
<            "     3. pure interpreter\n");
> 	 if(verbose)
> 	 {
>    		printf("Goodname:%s\n", ROM_SETTINGS.goodname);
>    		printf("16kb eeprom=%d\n", ROM_SETTINGS.eeprom_16kb);
> 	 }
<      c = p_emumode_value;
<    else
<      c = getchar();
<    if (c == '1') dynacore=0;
<    else if (c == '3') dynacore=2;
<    else dynacore=1;
<    SDL_SetVideoMode(10, 10, 16, 0);
<    SDL_ShowCursor(0);
<    SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0, 0);
<    SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);
<    init_memory();
<    // --------------------- loading plugins ----------------------
<    i=1;
<    i1=1;
<    printf("  Choose your gfx plugin : \n");
<    while(plugin_type() != -1)
<      {
< 	if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_GFX)
< 	  {
< 	     strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
< 	     printf("%s (%s)\n", plugins[i], plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
< 	     i++;
< 	  }
< 	else
< 	  plugin_next();
<      }
<    if(p_gfx)
<      i1 = 100;
>    {
> 	   if(verbose)
> 	   {
> 		   printf ("Using emulation mode: ");
> 		   if(dynacore == 0)
> 			   printf ("Interpreter\n");
> 		   if(dynacore == 1)
> 			   printf ("Dynamic recompiler\n");
> 		   if(dynacore == 2)
> 			   printf ("Pure interpreter\n");
> 	   }
>    }
<      {
< 	if(p_emumode)
< 	  getchar();
< 	/*c = getchar();
< 	 s[0] = c;
< 	 s[1] = 0;*/
< 	scanf("%10s", s);
< 	i1 = atoi(s);
<      }
<    plugin_rewind();
<    old_i = i;
<    printf("  Choose your audio plugin : \n");
<    while(plugin_type() != -1)
<      {
< 	if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIO)
< 	  {
< 	     strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
< 	     printf("%s (%s)\n", plugins[i], plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
< 	     i++;
< 	  }
< 	else
< 	  plugin_next();
<      }
<    /*getchar();
<    c = getchar();
<    //getchar();
<    s[0] = c;
<    s[1] = 0;*/
<    if(p_audio)
<      i2 = 99;
<    else
<      {
< 	scanf("%10s", s);
< 	i2 = old_i + atoi(s) - 1;
<      }
<    plugin_rewind();
<    old_i = i;
<    printf("  Choose your input plugin : \n");
<    while(plugin_type() != -1)
<      {
< 	if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_CONTROLLER)
< 	  {
< 	     strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
< 	     printf("%s (%s)\n", plugins[i], plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
< 	     i++;
< 	  }
< 	else
< 	  plugin_next();
<      }
<    /*getchar();
<    c = getchar();
<    //getchar();
<    s[0] = c;
<    s[1] = 0;*/
<    if(p_input)
<      i3 = 98;
<    else
<      {
< 	scanf("%10s", s);
< 	i3 = old_i + atoi(s) - 1;
<      }
<    plugin_rewind();
<    old_i = i;
<    printf("  Choose your RSP plugin : \n");
<    while(plugin_type() != -1)
<      {
< 	if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_RSP)
< 	  {
< 	     strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
< 	     printf("%s (%s)\n", plugins[i], plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
< 	     i++;
< 	  }
< 	else
< 	  plugin_next();
<      }
<    /*getchar();
<    c = getchar();
<    getchar();
<    s[0] = c;
<    s[1] = 0;*/
<    if(p_rsp)
<      i4 = 97;
<    else
<      {
< 	scanf("%10s", s);
< 	i4 = old_i + atoi(s) - 1;
<      }
<    printf("\n\nSelected Plugins: %s, %s, %s, %s\n", plugins[i1], plugins[i2], plugins[3], plugins[i4]);
>    {
>    	   printf ("Choose emulation mode:\n"
> 	    	   "    1. interpreter\n"
> 	    	   "    2. dynamic recompiler (default)\n"
>         	   "    3. pure interpreter\n");
> 	   scanf("%ld", &dynacore); 
> 	   dynacore--;
>    }
>    if(dynacore > 2 || dynacore < 0) dynacore=1;
>    	// --------------------- loading plugins ----------------------
>    	i=1;
>    	i1=1;
>    	if(!gplug) 
>    	{
> 		printf("Choose your gfx plugin : \n");
> 		while(plugin_type() != -1)
> 		{	 
> 			if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_GFX)
> 			{ 
> 				strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
> 				printf("    %s\n        (%s)\n", plugins[i],
> 					   plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
> 				i++;
> 			}
> 			else plugin_next();
> 		}
> 		scanf("%d", &i1);
> 		gplug = plugins[i1];
> 	    plugin_rewind();
>  	}
> 	if(!aplug) 
> 	{	
> 		old_i = i; 
> 		i1 = i;
> 		printf("Choose your audio plugin : \n");
> 		while(plugin_type() != -1)
> 		{
> 			if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_AUDIO)
> 			{
> 				strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
> 				printf("    %s\n        (%s)\n", plugins[i],
> 					   plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
> 				i++;
> 			}
> 			else plugin_next();
> 		}
> 		scanf("%d", &i1);
> 		i1 = i1 + old_i - 1;
> 	    aplug = plugins[i1];
> 	   plugin_rewind();
>  	}
> 	if(!iplug)
> 	{
> 		old_i = i;
> 		i1 = i;
> 		printf("Choose your input plugin : \n");
> 		while(plugin_type() != -1)
> 		{
> 			if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_CONTROLLER)
> 		  	{
> 			 	strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
> 			 	printf("    %s\n        (%s)\n", plugins[i],
> 					   plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
> 			 	i++;
> 		  	}
> 			else plugin_next();
> 		}
> 		scanf("%d", &i1);
> 		i1 = i1 + old_i - 1;
> 		iplug = plugins[i1];
> 		plugin_rewind();
> 	}
> 	if(!rplug)
> 	{
> 		old_i = i;
>    		i1 = i;
>     	printf("Choose your RSP plugin : \n");
>    		while(plugin_type() != -1)
>     	{
> 			if (plugin_type() == PLUGIN_TYPE_RSP)
> 	  		{
> 	     		strcpy(plugins[i], plugin_next());
> 	     		printf("    %s\n        (%s)\n", plugins[i],
> 					   plugin_filename_by_name(plugins[i]));
> 	     		i++;
> 	  		}
> 			else plugin_next();
>      	}
> 		scanf("%d", &i1);
> 		i1 = i1 + old_i - 1;
> 		rplug = plugins[i1];
> 	}
> 	if(verbose)		
>    	 	printf("\nSelected Plugins: %s,\n"
> 			   "                  %s,\n"
> 			   "                  %s,\n"
> 	           "                  %s,\n\n", gplug, aplug, iplug, rplug);
<    plugin_load_plugins(plugins[i1], plugins[i2], plugins[i3], plugins[i4]);
<    romOpen_gfx();
<    romOpen_audio();
<    romOpen_input();
<    // ------------------------------------------------------------
<    SDL_SetEventFilter(filter);
<    if(p_fullscreen)
<      changeWindow();
<    go();
<    romClosed_RSP();
<    romClosed_input();
<    romClosed_audio();
<    romClosed_gfx();
<    closeDLL_RSP();
<    closeDLL_input();
<    closeDLL_audio();
<    closeDLL_gfx();
<    free(rom);
<    free(ROM_HEADER);
<    free_memory();
<    return 0;
>     plugin_load_plugins(gplug, aplug, iplug, rplug);
> 	// ------------------------------------------------------------
> 	/* startup SDL */
>    	SDL_SetVideoMode(10, 10, 16, 0);
>    	SDL_ShowCursor(0);
>    	SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(0, 0);
>    	SDL_EnableUNICODE(1);
>    	init_memory();
>     romOpen_gfx();
>     romOpen_audio();
>     romOpen_input();
>     SDL_SetEventFilter(filter);
>     if(p_fullscreen)
>     	changeWindow();
>     go();
>     romClosed_RSP();
>     romClosed_input();
>     romClosed_audio();
>     romClosed_gfx();
>     closeDLL_RSP();
>     closeDLL_input();
>     closeDLL_audio();
>     closeDLL_gfx();
>     free(rom);
>     free(ROM_HEADER);
>     free_memory();
>     return 0;

I hope someone finds this useful.

If anyone wants changes to be made, or maybe something added, post a reply and let me know. I'll see what I can do.


New member
Patch is fine, speed isn't

I used your patch against the mupen 0.5 source to get the nogui version working. Patch applied fine, nogui version compiled fine, but when I play a game performance is way different from when I play in the GTK version. Somehow it keeps stuttering with the nogui version. Is anyone experiencing the same problem? I'm thinking about modifying the GTK version. Not calling the GTK main loop should almost suffice to create a nogui version based on the gtk version, and I don't really get why this approach isn't used at all anymore...
So unless anyone can tell me what's the cause for this problem, I guess I'd better start coding ;-)



Emulator Developer
I think the problem is that you are not using the same configuration in the gui version that in the gtk version. Check that all the plugins are similar and that you are using the same core (dynarec is the fastest one).


New member
i used your patch and i cannot get it to read my controller config i am using blights plugin

can you please help me?


Emulator Developer
i used your patch and i cannot get it to read my controller config i am using blights plugin

can you please help me?

Is your problem that it won't read the Blight input config file, or that it won't load the Blight input plugin? If it's the former then that shouldn't be affected by his patch; the patch only affects the mupen emulator itself, not the plugins. Unless, of course, it changes the directory. :)

If I can ever get this darn RiceVideo bug fixed I'm going to seriously re-work the whole plugin loading mechanism in Mupen64, because in the 0.5 code it's pretty fragile.
