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Official 1964 D3D plugin (to Rice Schibo)


New member
Hi guys,

Just an idea (maybe crap) :cool:

I thought as icep8 has now released his plugin+source and it is pretty cool and you have no official D3D plugin, maybe you could use his as an official 1964 published through 1964s page, if he wanted to, just a thought.

It would give it better publicity and maybe attract more contributers/bugfixers as ice seems to have less time to work on it and it would hopefully develope faster like your excellent emu :)

(1964 is my favourite emu now, it rocks)




New member
Sorry Smiff, I thought it was a D3D one :) my mistake hehe, official OpenGL one maybe hehe, the actaual one is never worked on so it would be nice to have someone doing it like jabo worked on one for PJ64.

I thought there names were Rice and Schibo, not "Schibo, Rice Schibo", is "Rice Schibo" Schibo's brother :)

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Emulator Developer
hey jih2000,

NooTe was working on a D3D plugin a while back.
We may release the source to the plugin at some point in the future, but I'd need to talk it over with a couple people first. :)



New member
wicked, that would be great to have an offical 1964 d3d plugin, maybe people would team together to develop it :)



New member
Well, I stop to work on my different plugins and others dev on emulators (Lack of time) :(
The D3D plugin was a *hack* (read 'port try' or 'heavy modified') from the 1964ogl which was a port from mac opengl source from Gerrit which was based on 1964... :)
I have submited some modif on current 1964ogl plugin (better look). mmm, don't seem to be include in ex-new-removed release :)
Il faut être patient...

Schibo, for my part, you can release all sources I sended to you !
