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Newbie needs plugin help


New member
Hey. I'm having a problem with one of the plugins that came with the 1964 emulator. While N-Rage's input plugin works wonders, I'm having problems with Pokemon Stadium recognizing my Pokemon Blue Save.

The Pokemon Blue Save was created by No$gmb, not by transferring it from an actual cartridge. Even so, do I need to beat the game first before being able to transfer the data to the N64 game?

Also, do I need to do something special in order for it to work? I really want to get this working right (kinda nifty to do that thing anyway but to emulate it well....)

Here's what I've got in terms of software:

1964 v0.8.4
N-Rage's Direct-Inpt 8 v2 1.82
No$GMB V2.5
1964 official INI v1.8 by Duncan

Lemme know what you guys find out!



New member
Perhaps I should mention what's wrong too, yes?
The N64 rom works fine, no problems. However, when I go to where you access the game cart (the GB one), it says that it cannot recognize it. It does recognize a Transfer Pak in the controller, just that the game in there is not useable (even though I did set it up correctly in the plugin settings).

Sorry about that.


Active member
If you used a save stat of the game, it's normal. the n'rage plugin only support normal save (.sav). This is the save data of the game. the normal one you find on the original game memory.I think no$gmb doesn't support normal saving. So it should be your problem. Try using other GB emulator that supports it like SMYGB or BGB.
