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New Years Resolutions for 2005


Emutalk Member
I made a new years resolution once, eat less chocolate, I was like 9 or something, only lasted for a year or so, cause the next year my resolution was to eat 2 times as much chocolate :D


Jaz said:
Curious one that. I wouldn't recommend it. Here, let me paste some of my Uni assignment work to throw you off... ;)

Euck. :yucky:

You think that looks nasty? Here is just a tiny bit of code from my program :p

int y = ((line-WY)%8)*2;
int tile_map_addr = (LCDC&0x40) ? 0x1C00 : 0x1800;
int tile_ypos = (((line-WY)&0xFF)/8)*32;
int ly=(line*(ddsd2.lPitch/main.pixelwidth));

It gets nastier, i need to replace static values with more informative defines later :p


Not a Moderator
I like hex Ren :p

My resolutions:
* Get all the comptia certifications (Got my A+, Linux+ and Network+ right now)
* Find a better job
* Be completely hammered at least 2 times a month
* Get Martin to implement some kind of spam filter on the servers (I'll provide instructions ;))


Mr. Super Clever
I made a new one, I would make a phone call to a female friend without having my hand on my penis. I failed :cry:


Insanity's greater form
Eeeh XD

*Go to school more often
*Dont piss my sis off no more
*Get a decent job
*Dont fall back to alcohol

Clearly, im not gonna make the cut :p

~ Zoldier01
