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New Mario Game for NGC!


Well, at last having access to the press sites has finally paid off.

An EmuTalk exclusive here, the first screenshot of Mario Cube 2. :happy:

More to follow.


Sony battery
Yes, I love the beautiful backgrounds. Can't wait for this game! ;)
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Stalkid64 said:
It always pays off to have access to those press sites. Not posting the video?

The video is too big to add as an attachment here, even with my Moderator privilages!

I should try and get some screen captures on later.

And yes, having access to the press sites is a wonderful thing.


Torrent to the vid for anyone who wants it,. Had to put it in a .zip, but remove it and it'll run fine. Seems picky on what clients will handle it, for the record. Keep seeding so others can leech it.
Mm those sunsets... and water... *drool!*
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aka Chrono Archangel
lol mario doesnt even fit well in the screenshot -_-
man...the day is almost over and i havent done one april fool's joke yet


Yes, thankfully emutalk has stayed relatively sane today what with the "Mario beta" release and all. ;) And the PJ64 release turned out to be real... shocking! :)
Just be glad Martin and co. have more sense than slashdot, who posted NOTHING BUT "FUNNY" STORIES. ALL DAY. AND STILL ARE.
EVERY. SINGLE. ARTICLE. Laugh? I nearly did... except none of it was funny of course.
It wasn't funny when they started, and they just kept on going and going with unfunny stuff to intentionally wind people up for a reaction, which when done so obviously isn't even funny in itself. Kinda lame. Then they did it some more, ran it into the ground, flogged that dead horse repeatedly, and just kept on digging deeper and deeper. Now there are people vowing never to return and all kinds of much funnier hostility towards the site going on. Much better. ;)


New member
mario isnt fake, hes taken from mario sunshine actually. the environment and mario however and dont match at all, and then theres that shadow mario doesnt have ;)


2fast4u said:
and then theres that shadow mario doesnt have ;)

That is because he's using the stealth powerup. Where have you been? ;)

Can anyone tell me for a bonus point where the backdrop is from?
