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Need Some Help error C2061: snytax error identifer 'timestampbase'


Hungry For Answers
#ifndef _FCEUH
extern int fceuindbg;
void ResetGameLoaded(void);

#define DECLFR(x) uint8 FP_FASTAPASS(1) x (uint32 A)
#define DECLFW(x) void FP_FASTAPASS(2) x (uint32 A, uint8 V)

void FCEU_MemoryRand(uint8 *ptr, uint32 size);
void FASTAPASS(3) SetReadHandler(int32 start, int32 end, readfunc func);
void FASTAPASS(3) SetWriteHandler(int32 start, int32 end, writefunc func);
writefunc FASTAPASS(1) GetWriteHandler(int32 a);
readfunc FASTAPASS(1) GetReadHandler(int32 a);

int AllocGenieRW(void);
void FlushGenieRW(void);

void FCEU_ResetVidSys(void);

void ResetMapping(void);
void ResetNES(void);
void PowerNES(void);

extern uint64 timestampbase;
extern uint32 MMC5HackVROMMask;
extern uint8 *MMC5HackExNTARAMPtr;
extern int MMC5Hack;
extern uint8 *MMC5HackVROMPTR;
extern uint8 MMC5HackCHRMode;
extern uint8 MMC5HackSPMode;
extern uint8 MMC5HackSPScroll;
extern uint8 MMC5HackSPPage;

extern uint8 RAM[0x800];
extern uint8 GameMemBlock[131072];

extern readfunc ARead[0x10000];
extern writefunc BWrite[0x10000];

extern void (*GameInterface)(int h);
extern void (*GameStateRestore)(int version);

#define GI_RESETM2	1
#define GI_POWER	2
#define GI_CLOSE	3

#include "git.h"
extern FCEUGI *FCEUGameInfo;
extern int GameAttributes;

extern uint8 PAL;

#include "driver.h"

typedef struct {
           int PAL;
           int NetworkPlay;
	   int SoundVolume;
           int GameGenie;

	   /* Current first and last rendered scanlines. */
	   int FirstSLine;
	   int LastSLine;

	   /* Driver code(user)-specified first and last rendered scanlines. 
	      Usr*SLine[0] is for NTSC, Usr*SLine[1] is for PAL.
	   int UsrFirstSLine[2];
	   int UsrLastSLine[2];
	   int SnapName;
	   uint32 SndRate;
	   int soundq;
	   int lowpass;

extern FCEUS FSettings;

void FCEU_PrintError(char *format, ...);
void FCEU_printf(char *format, ...);
void FCEU_DispMessage(char *format, ...);

void SetNESDeemph(uint8 d, int force);
void DrawTextTrans(uint8 *dest, uint32 width, uint8 *textmsg, uint8 fgcolor);
void FCEU_PutImage(void);
void FCEU_PutImageDummy(void);

extern uint8 Exit;
extern uint8 pale;
extern uint8 vsdip;

#define JOY_A   1
#define JOY_B   2
#define JOY_SELECT      4
#define JOY_START       8
#define JOY_UP  0x10
#define JOY_DOWN        0x20
#define JOY_LEFT        0x40
#define JOY_RIGHT       0x80
#define _FCEUH

can anybody help me out here any pointers will do:flowers:


Hungry For Answers
it needed to be extern uint64 (timestampbase);

not extern uint64 timestampbase;


New member
I don't think that fix is correct. I am not sure how MS compilers will understand that, but that's an old pre-ansi style function declaration, whereas without the parentheses it's an external variable definition.
