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Need help with a hardware decision.



New member
The RAM I have now is the same just not the same brand. How can I find out what my latency is?

EDIT: My brother once again refused to get me more RAM "You have plenty of RAM your not even using half of it. Plus you have the fastest RAM on the market. Me: "I've seen people with over a gig of RAM." Him: "They don't need it!" He refused to give reasons why they don't need it.

EDIT2: My brother said to get an AMD Athlon XP 3200+. Does anyone know where I can get one for a good price? I found one but I don't know if I can get another one cheaper. http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=80180

EDIT3: Ok I passed my school testing thingy so I my mom is giving me $100. I think i'll buy that CPU!

EDIT4: Well my AMD Athlon XP 3200+ Barton 400FSB arrived a few minutes ago. So when my brother gets home i'm going to put it in.
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